
Wilkes-Barre man, 19, charged with robbery at Exeter car wash



EXETER — Borough police arrested a 19-year-old man they say robbed a man lured to a car wash to sell a cellular phone last week.

Tauhid Abdush-Shahid, of 165 Madison St., brandished a firearm he pressed against the alleged victim’s back stealing a wallet, cash, marijuana and a cell phone, according to court records.

Police said the armed mugging occurred at a car wash on Exeter Avenue on Thursday.

Abdush-Shahid was arraigned by District Judge Donald Whittaker in Nanticoke on two counts of robbery and one count each of aggravated assault, simple assault, criminal conspiracy and firearms not to be carried without a license. Abdush-Shahid remained jailed Monday at the Luzerne County Correctional Facility for lack of $500,000 bail.

According to the criminal complaint:

Police responded to the car wash for a report of an armed robbery at 11:45 p.m.

A man told police he was selling a cellular phone he advertised on a social media app to a former co-worker.

The co-worker kept changing the location to meet until he directed the victim to the car wash.

When the victim arrived at the car wash, he encountered Abdush-Shahid and three other men inside a vehicle parked in a wash stall.

The victim told police Abdush-Shahid brandished a firearm covered with a bandanna he pressed against his back while stealing a wallet, cash, marijuana, car keys and a cell phone, the complaint says.

Police in Wilkes-Barre Township detained Abdush-Shahid and the three other men during a traffic stop until they were turned over to Exeter police.

During the traffic stop, the victim’s wallet was found in Abdush-Shahid’s pocket, the complaint says.

Charges have not been…

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Connecticut commences full online sports betting and igaming launch


Connecticut Governor Ned Lamont has officially authorised the full launch of online sports betting and igaming within the region, which began at 6am, local time, today.

This has permitted the Connecticut Lottery Corporation, Mohegan Tribe and the Mashantucket Pequot Tribe to commence with sports wagering, with each tribe also able to facilitate the offer of online casino.

The trifecta are the only permitted entrants to the state’s online sports betting ecosystem, with the CLC, Mohegan, and Mashantucket tribes, teaming-up with Rush Street Interactive, FanDuel, and DraftKings, respectively.

The statewide launch of sports betting and igaming follows the completion of a successful seven-day soft launch that began on October 12, 2021.

“This is an exciting moment for our state and our tribal partners,” Lamont said. “Connecticut has proven to be a leader when it comes to the gaming economy going back decades, and that legacy will continue with the launch of these new online options for all eligible residents. 

“I am very proud to say that I placed the first legal, in-person sports wager in our state’s history just two weeks ago, and I encourage those who want to participate in placing wagers to do so, responsibly. 

“I extend my gratitude to the staff at the Department of Consumer Protection for their efforts over the last several months to make this possible, particularly since this is one of the fastest state implementations of online gaming and sports wagering of any state in the nation.”

RSI has gone live in the region via its PlaySugarHouse brand, with the official sportsbook of the CLC to be available 24 hours a day, seven…

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Why OBX Conservationists bought the Khoury Oak

Why OBX Conservationists bought the Khoury Oak

By Sandy Semans Ross | Outer Banks Voice on October 18, 2021

The Khoury tree (Photo credit: Sandy Semans Ross)

The story of this ancient tree has deep roots

When the Outer Banks Conservationists purchased an undeveloped lot at 1050 US 64 on Roanoke Island in 2012, many scratched their heads and wondered why.

The nonprofit invests in area cultural sites, such as the Currituck Lighthouse and Island Farm. A lot with just trees on it didn’t seem to fit the mission of the organization.

To understand the reasoning behind the purchase one has to go back all the way to 1960 after Hurricane Donna made history by touching every state from Florida to Maine. Then take a deep dive into the memories of three children who visited the Elizabethan Gardens after Hurricane Donna. The Gardens were formally opened by the Garden Clubs of North Carolina just a month before the devastating storm.

“I was only eight,” recalls Manteo resident John Wilson, one of the founders of the Conservationists. “My neighbors were the Midgettes—and Nancy and Robert were my friends.”

That day, the three of them took a trip to the Elizabethan Gardens and the Lost Colony to look at the damage from Hurricane Donna. Robert’s father was Louis Midgette, the supervisor of the Gardens. Wilson said he vividly remembers the horticulturist working on the old living oak tree at the Gardens that day and it being said that – under the right conditions – live oaks could live up to 1,200 years. The first four hundred years were for growth, the second were for enjoying life, and the last four hundred were for slowly dying. Nancy and Robert also remember the conversation.

“I remember watching the tree…

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$25.9m for Ngāi Tahu to reduce young South Island Māori in state care

Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu Kaiwhakahaere Lisa Tumahai (right) with MP Poto Williams. Photo / George Heard

Nearly $26 million will be put towards a prevention programme to reduce the number of young Māori in the South Island entering the Oranga Tamariki system.

The programme, Whānau as First Navigators, is being led by Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu (Te Rūnanga) to improve the outcomes of children and families in the Ngāi Tahu tribal area.

Its tribal area is the largest in New Zealand and extends from the White Bluffs (southeast of Blenheim) and Kahurangi Point in the north to Stewart Island in the south.

Minister for Children, Hon Kelvin Davis, today announced Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu would receive $25.9m of Oranga Tamariki funding over three years. Photo / George HeardMinister for Children, Hon Kelvin Davis, today announced Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu would receive $25.9m of Oranga Tamariki funding over three years. Photo / George Heard

Minister for Children, Hon Kelvin Davis, today announced Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu would receive $25.9m of Oranga Tamariki funding over three years.

It comes after footage emerged of staff reacting violently to young people in the care and protection residence in Christchurch, Te Oranga.

In July, Acting OT chief executive Sir Wira Gardiner said the facility would be closed as soon as possible.

It comes after footage emerged of staff reacting violently to young people in the care and protection residence in Christchurch, Te Oranga. Photo / SuppliedIt comes after footage emerged of staff reacting violently to young people in the care and protection residence in Christchurch, Te Oranga. Photo / Supplied

Oranga Tamariki had been planning to shut down all 10 care and protection residences across the country but after the footage emerged, Gardiner ordered the process to be expedited.

In the last…

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Q&A: Renegade Tea Estate – Putting Georgian Tea Back on the Map

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Wednesday Wanderings: Harris Conservation Area

This month, I’m excited to visit Harris Conservation Area, one of the quieter, lesser-known Public Conservation Areas, to focus on a quieter, lesser-appreciated species: bats.

Harris Conservation Area is located at 105 Bloody Hollow Road in Austerlitz. If you’re using GPS, please be aware that there are two Bloody Hollow Roads in proximity, and you’ll want to make sure you’re heading to the intersection with Stonewall Road. The parking lot for this site is rather small, so we do not recommend it for group outings or large gatherings.

After you locate the parking lot, take a moment to reflect on the land you’re about to enjoy. Public Conservation Areas are located on the ancestral homelands of the Mohican people. Despite tremendous hardship in being forced from here, today their community resides in Wisconsin and is known as the Stockbridge-Munsee Community. This land is near the homelands of other Indigenous peoples and First Nations, including the Schaghticoke First Nations. Indigenous peoples continue efforts to steward the land today.

Before you leave the lot, we recommend texting 518.525.3252 with the phrase “harrismap” to get a copy of the trail map. You can also download a guided audio tour from the free TravelStorys app.

Harris is home to great bat habitat: the forest is relatively open, there are many woodland pools and a small pond that attracts many insects for the bats to chow on, and there are plenty of rocky cliffs and outcroppings for the bats to nest in. Most bats mate in late summer and early fall, so please be sure to stay on the trails in order to avoid disturbing them. Humans are a major spreader of white nose disease, which is having catastrophic impacts on bat populations throughout the world. Spores for white nose disease can last a long time on clothing and…

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Lenni Lenape

3 stars from each of South Jersey’s five leagues in boys soccer

Olympic Conference:

3. Cherry Hill East’s Adam Blumenthal: had a goal and an assist in the “Melograna Cup” game. Scored again in a 2-1 win over Burlington Township.

2. Cherokee’s Brandon Michael: three goals in his last two games, including a late winner in a 3-2 win over Lenape.

1. Washington Township’s Tyler Gryckiewicz: a driving force behind the team’s current eight-game win streak – the center back who’s keyed the defense through seven shutouts this season.

Burlington County Scholastic League:

3. Delran’s Nik Grello: two goals and and two assists in a bounce-back week for the Bears, who beat Burlington Township and won a tight game against Moorestown.

2. Rancocas Valley’s Jamie King: assisted on the tying goal and scored the winner in the Red Devils’ win over Salesianum of Delaware – added his second goal of the season in a win over Holy Cross.

1. Westampton Tech’s Ever Maradaiga: scored four goals against Maple Shade and added five against Medford Tech to bring his season total to 29.

Colonial Conference:

3. Gateway’s John DelOrbe: he’s been a rock between the sticks asthe Gators shut out four straight opponents, including an eye-opening win over a solid Woodstown squad.

2. Sterling’s Joey Lomas: but he’ll insist this is a team award; the Silver Knight’s streak of shutouts is now at 13 – a club record.

1. Haddonfield’s Christian Ball: two goals against West Deptford, two assists against Schlalick, as Haddonfield knocked two teams from the ranks of the undefeated, two days apart.

Cape-Atlantic League:

3. Oakcrest’s Jack O’Brien: has six goals this season, including a pair on Friday, when the Falcons’ avenged a 6-1 early season loss by beating Ocean City, 2-1.

2. Hammonton’s Gavin West: has nine goals this season; one came in a 2-1 win over Middle Township Saturday in their Cape-Atlantic League Tournament semifinal.

1. Egg Harbor Township’s Dominic Talvacchio: “Nooch has…

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Chesapeake Bay 2021 Young-of-Year Survey Results Announced

The Maryland Department of Natural Resources announced results of this year’s juvenile striped bass survey, which tracks the reproductive success of the iconic fish in the Chesapeake Bay. The 2021 young-of-year index is 3.2 which is slightly higher than last year but still below the long-term average of 11.4.

The coastal striped bass population has decreased in size but is still capable of strong reproduction with the right environmental conditions. Variable spawning success is a well-known characteristic of the species. The index is slightly higher than 2020 but consecutive below-average indices are a concern, and biologists continue to examine factors that might limit spawning success. 

Atlantic Coast states enacted responsible conservation measures in recent years to reduce harvest and protect striped bass during spawning season. Maryland will work with other states in the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission to develop additional measures to enhance the striped bass population through the Atlantic striped bass fishery management plan.

The Department of Natural Resources has monitored the annual reproductive success of striped bass in Maryland’s portion of Chesapeake Bay since 1954. Photo by Stephen Badger, Maryland Department of Natural Resources

Other noteworthy observations of the survey were increased numbers of Atlantic menhaden in the Choptank River and healthy reproduction of American shad in the Potomac River. The survey also documented the reproduction of invasive blue catfish in the upper Chesapeake Bay for the first time.

Twenty-two survey sites are located in four major spawning areas: the Choptank, Nanticoke, and Potomac rivers, and the Upper Chesapeake Bay. Biologists visit each site three times per summer, collecting fish with two sweeps of a 100-foot beach seine net. The index represents…

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Connecticut online sports betting set to fully begin Tuesday

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When the next full moon falls, and the full list of moon dates for 2021

The full moon has been shrouded in folklore and mystique for millennia, inspiring everything from religious festivals to horror films and outlandish doomsday conspiracy theories.

Each lunar cycle lasts just over 29.5 days, which means that the full moon usually falls on a slightly different date each month and sometimes more than once (known as a “blue moon”).

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Hunter’s moon: Why full moon name meanings entered pop culture, even though there’s zero science behind them

Here’s the full calendar of full moons falling in 2021, along with all you need to know about the origins of different moon names and phenomena such as the “Supermoon” and “Blood Moon”.

When are the full moons in 2021?

Here are all the full moon dates for 2021:

  • 28 January
  • 27 February
  • 28 March
  • 27 April
  • 26 May
  • 24 June
  • 24 July
  • 22 August
  • 21 September
  • 20 October
  • 19 November
  • 19 December

TOPSHOT - People watch the Strawberry Moon, the full moon of the month of June, rise over the ocean on Narrawallee Beach, near Mollymook on the South Coast of New South Wales on June 6, 2020. (Photo by DAVID GRAY / AFP) (Photo by DAVID GRAY/AFP via Getty Images)Full moons have been shrouded in folklore and mystique for millennia (Photo: AFP/Getty Images)

What are the full moon names?

The majority of pre-modern calendars used the moon as the basis for the names of their months, a convention ended by the introduction of the solar Julian and Gregorian calendars.

In modern times, new names for the full moons – and their purported meanings – have infiltrated pop culture, generally attributed to Native American tribes.

There is no standardised Native American…

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