
PATRICK WHITE: Solving the housing crisis (Part Two) — Rentals

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts made a lot of progress with the passage of the Affordable Homes Act in 2024. In the last issue, I dealt with the advantages that a seasonal community designation could have on the housing shortage in Berkshire County municipalities. In this issue, I would like to address the question of rentals.

One of the provisions of the Affordable Homes Act is that it gives property owners the right to add an accessory dwelling unit (ADU). Another is the ability for towns to adopt a waiver of property taxes for landlords who rent their properties affordably.

Kudos to Egremont for adopting, and Great Barrington for proposing, the property tax waiver. It is a smart strategy to create rental incentives that have a relatively small impact on a town’s budget. It is also a great way to create affordable rentals, when compared to per unit costs of new construction.

I would like to address a third piece of the rental puzzle: Section 8 vouchers. Section 8 vouchers make up the difference between what folks make and what they can afford in rent. They are much used in Massachusetts cities from Pittsfield to Boston but are less available to smaller Berkshire towns because of factors including the lack of available rental units. Hopefully, adoption of incentives can help to change that.

Landlords like Section 8 vouchers because they create certainty of rent payment. Renters benefit from the subsidy as they are only expected to pay 30 percent of their income for rent; the rest is subsidized by the voucher.

Availability is based on income, with those earning 50 percent or less of Area Median Income (AMI) qualifying. For a one-person household, 50 percent of AMI in Berkshire County is around $38,000. For a family of four, incomes…

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Pittston Area girls win Marseco Tournament championship

The Pittston Area girls basketball team picked up a rivalry win and a tournament title in one shot on Monday night, conquering Wyoming Area 51-24 to win the Marseco Tournament at Old Forge High School.

Daniella Ranieli led the Patriots with 21 points, while Maddie Karp added 17 points in the win.

Abby Sterba was the Warriors’ leading scorer with six points.

Old Forge 60, Hanover Area 32

Jewyla McCullon had a standout night for Old Forge, scoring 28 points to lead her team to a Marseco Tournament consolation game victory.

Ava Arnold added 10 point for Old Forge.

Caitlin Vigorito scored 15 points to lead Hanover Area. Emma Schlingman added nine points.

Hazleton Area 79, Williamsport 40

Sophia Shults had 18 points to lead a trio of Cougars in double figures as Hazleton Area continued its hot start to the season.

Alexis Reimold chipped in 16 and Sophia Benyo finished with 15 points for Hazleton Area.

Wilkes-Barre Area 38, Lackawanna Trail 16

Jaida Underwood scored 14 points, and the Wolfpack defense clamped down to beat Lackawanna Trail.

Diamond Thornton added nine points for Wilkes-Barre Area.

Ayla Seigle had 11 of Trail’s 16 points.

Holy Redeemer 63, MMI Prep 3

The Royals’ defense proved too tough for MMI Prep, holding the Preppers to just one made basket.

Amara Makarczyk led Redeemer with nine points. 13 different Royals scored at least two points.

Georgia Washko scored all three of MMI Prep’s points.

Crestwood 64, Nanticoke Area 28

Jackie Gallagher drained four three-pointers and led the way with 26 points in a Comets victory.

Charlie Hiller added 10 points for Crestwood.

Kate Reed led Nanticoke…

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Lenni Lenape

Wrestling: Results, recaps and photos for Monday, Dec. 30




Girls wrestling

East Brunswick Lady Bear Invitational, 9


  • No. 8 Don Bosco Prep v. Iona Prep (NY), Bishop Hendricksen (RI) & St. Anthony’s (NY), 10


Boys wrestling

Monday, Dec. 30


Cinnaminson 51, Pennsauken 25 – Box Score

Cinnaminson 54, Pemberton 30 – Box Score


Garfield 51, Bergenfield 30 – Box Score

Fair Lawn 52, Garfield 29 – Box Score

Nutley 68, Hackensack 12 – Box Score


Lawrence 53, Garfield 24 – Box Score

West Windsor-Plainsboro North 64, Ewing 18 – Box Score

Robbinsville 59, Nottingham 21 – Box Score


Monroe 52, Voorhees 22 – Box Score

Monroe 46, Hunterdon Central 30 – Box Score


Whippany Park 53, Vernon 27 – Box Score

Whippany Park 45, Rutherford 33 – Box Score

Hackettstown 47, Whippany Park 33 – Box Score

Hackettstown 54, Vernon 21 – Box Score

High Point 56, Morris Hills 12 – Box Score


Garfield 51, Bergenfield 30 – Box Score

Lawrence 53, Garfield 24 – Box Score

Whippany Park 45, Rutherford 33 – Box Score

Fair Lawn 52, Garfield 29 – Box Score


Nutley 68, Hackensack 12 – Box Score


Monroe 52, Voorhees 22 – Box Score

Monroe 46, Hunterdon Central 30 – Box Score

Hunterdon Central 53, Voorhees 30 – Box Score

Girls wrestling

Monday, Dec. 30


Somerville at East Brunswick, TBA

High Point at East Brunswick, TBA

Boonton at East Brunswick, TBA

Perth Amboy, Raritan, Vernon at St. Thomas Aquinas (0-2), 9am

North Plainfield at East Brunswick, 9am

Lenape Valley at East Brunswick, 9am

Cinnaminson at Pennsauken, 9:30am

Ramsey at Passaic Tech (0-1), 10am

Pemberton at Pennsauken, 10am

Pemberton at Pennsauken, 4pm


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Sussex County Land Trust hosts groundbreaking at Nanticoke Crossing Park

Sussex County Land Trust

BETHEL — The Sussex County Land Trust in late November hosted the groundbreaking and commencement of trailhead and waterfront improvements for Nanticoke Crossing Park, a 41-acre property located off Woodland Ferry Road overlooking the Nanticoke River adjacent to the historic Woodland Ferry terminal.

State of Delaware and Sussex County officials joined land trust board members at the event.

Once home to a manufactured home community, the SCLT and its partners acquired and repurposed the property for preservation and future public recreation.

The opportunity to protect the site was presented to the land trust in 2021 by the Chesapeake Conservancy, a non-profit with the mission of conserving and restoring Chesapeake landscapes and connecting people to the Chesapeake Bay watershed.

“This park is a prime example of a small parcel with a big impact for our planet,” said Chesapeake Conservancy President & CEO Joel Dunn stated. “While providing much-needed local recreational opportunities and public access to the Nanticoke River, permanent conservation of this wildlife habitat plays a much larger role.”

“To protect biodiversity, the world’s leading scientists have called for the protection of 30% of the Earth’s lands and waters by 2030. Conservation partners are striving toward the ambitious target of protecting half of the Delmarva peninsula by 2050. This can be accomplished one parcel at a time through local opportunities like Nanticoke Crossing Park,” Mr. Dunn said.

After identifying the property as an ideal property for preservation and recreation, the land trust secured several other key partners for the acquisition and future development of the property, including Sussex County Council through its Land Conservation Program, Mt. Cuba Center, U.S. Navy (Readiness and Environmental Protection Integration Program), Delaware Open Space Program, and Delaware Division of Fish and Wildlife.

Funding for the project was made possible by a $90,000…

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Statement for the Media by Dr. Mohamed Al Hassan, Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Iraq and Head of UNAMI (29 December 2024)[EN/AR/KU]


Baghdad, Abo Hanifa Holy Shrine, 29 December 2024

May the Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon you.

Today, we were honored first by visiting the shrine of Imam Abu Hanifa al-Nu’man, by whose pure soil the city of Baghdad was honored. Imam Abu Hanifa is followed by more than a billion Muslims around the world. Second, I was honored by meeting a group of distinguished sheikhs from the Fiqh Council of Senior Scholars to Preaching and Iftaa’(Verdicts), in whom I sensed wisdom and benevolence, and a deep sense of belonging and concern for this dear country, and for its past, present and future. This visit was an opportunity to discuss with their eminences and sheikhs the pressing issues facing Iraq and the region at this sensitive stage, and I conveyed to them the greetings of the Secretary-General of the United Nations and his wishes for their success and progress.

At the beginning of my speech, I would like to express my deep appreciation to the Fiqh Council for the warm reception with which I was met, which reflects the strength of the relationship between the United Nations and religious institutions in Iraq, a relationship that has always been based on cooperation to enhance security, peace and stability for Iraq.

During the meeting, we discussed the current situation in Iraq and the region, and I stressed the importance of dealing with matters wisely and calmly, putting Iraq’s interests at the forefront in the face of challenges that may undermine Iraq’s advancement and prosperity. We touched upon the multiple crises that affect stability in Iraq, whether in terms of security, political or social

challenges, in addition to the tensions in the region that require continuous coordination between countries and regional and international institutions.

We also discussed the situation in Gaza…

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Geno Auriemma Assesses Azzi Fudd’s Injury Status Since UConn Star’s USC Return

The UConn Huskies women’s basketball team’s most recent game came against the USC Trojans on December 21. Despite the contest being thrilling from start to finish, UConn ultimately came up short and lost to USC 72-70.

If there was any positive takeaway for Huskies fans in that defeat, it was that superstar Azzi Fudd made her return to the court for the first time since suffering a knee sprain during UConn’s December 7 game against Louisville.

While Fudd did play in that USC game, it was in an extremely limited role, having come off the bench and playing just 8 minutes while not scoring any points and going 0-4 from the field.

It makes sense why Huskies head coach Geno Auriemma was cautious in bringing Fudd back to action, given that she’s still fresh off returning from a torn ACL that kept her sidelined for almost all of the 2023-24 season.

When speaking with the media on December 28, Auriemma discussed easing Fudd back into action and assessed how this ongoing holiday break will benefit her.

“Certainly more so,” Auriemma said when asked if Fudd is any readier since the USC game, per The UConn Daily. “Certainly more so than she was the other day.

“A couple of practices isn’t really going to get you ready to play, so I think getting away and giving it an extra four or five days… I think all that, mentally, makes her a little more comfortable knowing that there has been enough time for it to be 100%,” Auriemma continued.

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Lenni Lenape

Girls Basketball: Results, recaps and links for Monday, Dec. 30

Monday, Dec. 30

Blue Devil Holiday Tournament

Howell 48, St. Joseph Hill (NY) 46 – Box Score

Boardwalk Classic

Egg Harbor 57, Atlantic City 43 – Box Score

Padua (DE) 52, Our Lady of Mercy 49 – Box Score

Absegami 46, Middlesex 34 – Box Score

Cumberland 38, Oakcrest 12 – Box Score

Butler Classic

Demarest 37, Glen Ridge 32 – Box Score

Mahwah 56, Northern Highlands 52 – Box Score

Ridgefield Park 44, Emerson Boro 29 – Box Score

Cougar Classic

Watchung Hills 52, Belvidere 46 – Box Score

Cranford 52, Oak Knoll 44 – Box Score

Montgomery 49, Bridgewater-Raritan 41 – Box Score

Chatham 63, Madison 42 – Box Score

Doane Academy Holiday Tournament

Pennsauken Tech 39, KIPP Cooper Norcross Academy 18 – Box Score

Garfield Holiday Tournament

Eastern Christian 43, Hasbrouck Heights 30 – Box Score

Park Ridge 46, Becton 39 – Box Score

Holiday Hoopfest

Paterson Kennedy 44, Paramus Catholic 33 – Box Score

Trenton 47, Passaic 44 – Box Score

Union City 35, Morristown 31 – Box Score

Rutgers Prep 59, Immaculate Heart 40 – Box Score

Gill St. Bernard’s 66, St. Rose 41 – Box Score

St. John Vianney 62, Montclair Immaculate 27 – Box Score

Holmdel Holiday Invitational

Ranney 60, East Brunswick 34 – Box Score

St. Thomas Aquinas 61, Hudson Catholic 54 – Box Score

Colts Neck 57, North Plainfield 44 – Box Score

Manasquan 39, Mount St. Mary 23 – Box Score

Joe Pepe Memorial Holiday Tournament

Dayton 49, Livingston 27 – Box Score

Joe Poli Tournament

Pascack Valley 52, Holy Angels 26 – Box Score

Old Tappan 72, Cresskill 41 – Box…

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Pittston Twp. Christmas Party

Amanda Radginski, left, and Asunta Crook, 11 months, both of Pittston, at the Pittston Twp. Christmas Party at St. Joseph Marello Parish Hall on Saturday, Dec. 14, 2024. (JASON ARDAN / STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER)Amanda Radginski, left, and Asunta Crook, 11 months, both of Pittston, at the Pittston Twp. Christmas Party at St. Joseph Marello Parish Hall on Saturday, Dec. 14, 2024. (JASON ARDAN / STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER) From left: Xara, 5, Xena, 6, Xander, 5, and Xavier Brojakowski, 9, all of Pittston, at the Pittston Twp. Christmas Party at St. Joseph Marello Parish Hall on Saturday, Dec. 14,From left, are Xara, 5, Xena, 6, Xander, 5, and Xavier Brojakowski, 9, all of Pittston, at the Pittston Twp. Christmas Party at St. Joseph Marello Parish Hall on Saturday, Dec. 14. From left: Zoesiana Wilcox, 1, of Nanticoke, Adalina Dominick, 12, of Pittston, and Sofia Hoffner, 11, of Pittston, at the Pittston Twp. Christmas Party at St. Joseph Marello Parish Hall on Saturday, Dec. 14,From left, are Zoesiana Wilcox, 1, of Nanticoke, Adalina Dominick, 12, of Pittston, and Sofia Hoffner, 11, of Pittston, at the Pittston Twp. Christmas Party at St. Joseph Marello Parish Hall on Saturday, Dec. 14. From left: Ross and Sharon DePhillips, Penelope, 3, Bryce, 5, Nicole, Mark, and Walter Precop, all of Pittston, at the Pittston Twp. Christmas Party at St. Joseph Marello Parish Hall on Saturday, Dec. 14,From left, are Ross and Sharon DePhillips, Penelope, 3; Bryce, 5; Nicole, Mark and Walter Precop, all of Pittston, at the Pittston Twp. Christmas Party at St. Joseph Marello Parish Hall on Saturday, Dec. 14. From left: Abigail Seymour, 10, Alyssa Bugianesi, 13, Aleah King, 6, Tina Seymour, all of...
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Revolutionary War memorial for Native, settler regiments discussed at Stockbridge Mohican commission

The town of Stockbridge, Massachusetts, and the Stockbridge-Munsee Band of Mohican Indians have launched a commission to strengthen their relationship. At the commission’s first meeting in late November, tribal leaders said they’d like to collaborate with the town, but they also want to control the narrative about their culture.

Select Board member Patrick White, who co-chairs the commission, said his goal is “to really foster a strengthening of ties and understanding between the Stockbridge-Munsee community and the town of Stockbridge and surrounding areas.”

Tribal President Shannon Holsey said she appreciates the chance to expand their relationship and work together on behalf of the Nation and the town.

The tribe’s homeland extends across parts of six states, including western Massachusetts from the Housatonic valley east to the Connecticut River valley.

White proposed creating a war memorial honoring both Native and settler Revolutionary War regiments.

He suggested it be completed by July 2026, the 250th anniversary of the signing of the declaration of independence. But Tribal President Shannon Holsey said indigenous communities don’t always celebrate that moment in history.

“Still, to this day we share a very complex relationship with the United States government,” Holsey said. “Quite honestly, we’ve only been United States citizens — although we’ve always been citizens of our nation — for 100 years.”

Some of the commission members talked about celebrating the proposed monument at another date, such as Veterans Day.

White said the commission is a chance to learn from each other about how history is perceived.

The next meeting is scheduled for January 13, 2025.

The tribe and the town’s relationship goes back to 1737, when colonial lawmakers established the township of Stockbridge by royal charter, inviting tribal leaders to govern alongside four white settler families.

Over time, the settlers took control of the local government and of tribal land. Dispossessed…

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