Lenni Lenape

From Manahahtáanung to New York: The forgotten history of the original inhabitants of Manhattan

Four hundred years ago, a group of emigrants from what is now the Netherlands settled on the southern tip of the island of Manhattan. They settled there and founded New Amsterdam. In 1664, the English took possession of the settlement, which grew into New York City. For the Lenape people, the original inhabitants, colonization meant the loss of their lands and their near total disappearance: today only about 20,000 of their descendants remain. The latter are now seeking an apology and compensation from the Dutch government, supported by an exhibition at the Amsterdam Museum that illustrates a colonial period that has received less attention than other former Dutch colonies in modern-day Suriname (South America), the Caribbean and Indonesia.

The Amsterdam Museum and the Museum of the City of New York, together with representatives of the heads of the four Lenape Nations, have joined forces to organize the exhibition, called Manahahtáanung or New Amsterdam? The Indigenous Story Behind New York. Through objects, clothing, historical documents and testimonial videos, the voice of a community is recovered “that returns 400 years later to engage in dialogue because with colonization we lost connection with our land and our culture, and language suffered,” explains Brent Stonefish, spiritual leader of the Delaware Nation, one of the four Lenape.

Stonefish has traveled to the Netherlands in search of an official apology and a form of reparation, and notes that “compensation can translate into support for language conservation and social development.” The other three branches of their people are the Nanticoke Lenni-Lenape Tribal Nation, the Ramapough Lenape Nation, and the Munsee-Delaware Nation. The effects of that process continue to this day and have generated, among other problems, poverty and a lack of self-esteem. The four Lenape nations are federally recognized by the United States government.

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Lenni Lenape

St. Luke’s executive to lead Lenape Valley Foundation

Freda R. Savana

Lenape Valley Foundation has tapped David Herold as its new chief executive officer, the Doylestown-based behavioral and mental health services nonprofit recently announced.

Herold has spent the last eight years working in business development for St. Luke’s University Health Network. Since 2020 he has been its assistant vice president of business development and strategy.

At Lenape Valley Foundation, he will take over the position held by Sharon Curran, who is retiring after more than two decades leading the organization.

“I am proud to join the team at Lenape Valley Foundation as we continue to devise creative solutions and partnerships to meet the needs of those we serve and help make our communities stronger and healthier,” said Herold, in a statement.

A Bucks County native, Herold brings more than 25 years of experience in behavioral health and social services to his new role, which he’ll begin June 3, the foundation said.

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While at St. Luke’s, he spearheaded efforts to gain a $4 million grant from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. The grant supported the Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic model at Penn Foundation, according to LVF.

Rob Hutchinson, president of the foundation’s board, said he was happy to welcome Herold to Lenape Valley Foundation.

“Under his leadership, we know our organization will continue to thrive as we develop innovative new ways to improve behavioral health care in…

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Lenni Lenape

New York turns 400-years-old in silence and with a Latin accent

It has been 400 years since the founding of what is now New York City, which took place in the spring of 1624. While it would be logical for the anniversary to be a cause for celebration, the truth is that the occasion is almost going unnoticed. One exception, however, is an exhibition titled New York Before New York: The Castello Plan of New Amsterdam. It’s a tiny display that occupies a corner of the lobby in the New York Historical Society, an elegant neo-Roman style building located in front of the west side of Central Park.

The exhibition includes maps, objects and documents of considerable interest. Among the items is a letter in which an administrator from the Dutch West India Company, Pieter Schagen, informs his superiors about how the founding of the city took place. In 1624, the original inhabitants of the area — those belonging to the Lenape tribe — “agreed” to sell Manhattan Island for 60 florins (or 60 two-shilling pieces) to European settlers, the equivalent of $24. Located at the southern tip of the island, the colonized territory was called New Holland, while the inhabited core was called New Amsterdam. In 1664, when the English took possession of Manhattan, the enclave was renamed “New York.”

Three groups made up the original New York City: the settlers of European origin, the Native Americans and the slaves who were forcibly brought from Africa. The commissioner of New York Before New York — Russell Shorto, author of The Island at the Center of the World, a magnificent chronicle on the history of the Dutch colony — invited the descendants of the Lenape people to write a letter in response to Schagen, 400 years after the deceptive transaction. In the response — which can be seen in the…

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Lenni Lenape

Local Concept Development Study for Lenape Island Bridge

Published on May 21, 2024

Online Public Information Center Meeting

The County of Morris will be hosting an online Public Information Center meeting to inform local residents, organizations, businesses and the general public of the Local Concept Development Study for the Lenape Island Bridge 1400-935 over Indian Lake located in Denville, New Jersey. The meeting and project implementation are in cooperation with the New Jersey Department of Transportation, the North Jersey Transportation Planning Authority, and the Federal Highway Administration.

The purpose of the meeting is to inform the public of the condition of the bridge and to solicit input and comments regarding the study’s Purpose and Need Statement. This meeting is being conducted in conformance with federal and state regulations. The meeting is open to all members of the public.

Date:             Monday, June 10, 2024

Time:            6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

Place:           Online via Microsoft Teams at

                      Meeting ID: 272 913 121 645       Passcode: zidAWC

                      Or call in (audio only): 1-412-634-6334 Phone conference ID: 698 735 191#

The public is invited and encouraged to comment on the bridge study. Written comments will be accepted through Friday, July 12, 2024. Comments may be submitted in the following ways:

Mail:            Meghan Paccione, Principal Engineer–Bridges/County Project Manager

                    County of Morris Department of Public Works

                    Division of Engineering & Transportation

                    P.O. Box 900


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Lenni Lenape

Dutch Museum Tells Dark Tale Of Conquest Of ‘New York’ To Be

Dutch Museum Tells Dark Tale Of Conquest Of ‘New York’ To Be | Barron’s {var e,t,r={234:(e,t,r)=>{“use strict”;r.d(t,{P_:()=>m,Mt:()=>b,C5:()=>s,DL:()=>w,OP:()=>O,lF:()=>D,Yu:()=>_,Dg:()=>v,CX:()=>c,GE:()=>E,sU:()=>I});var n=r(8632),i=r(9567);const o={beacon:n.ce.beacon,errorBeacon:n.ce.errorBeacon,licenseKey:void 0,applicationID:void 0,sa:void 0,queueTime:void 0,applicationTime:void 0,ttGuid:void 0,user:void 0,account:void 0,product:void 0,extra:void 0,jsAttributes:{},userAttributes:void 0,atts:void 0,transactionName:void 0,tNamePlain:void 0},a={};function s(e){if(!e)throw new Error(“All info objects require an agent identifier!”);if(!a[e])throw new Error(“Info for “.concat(e,” was never set”));return a[e]}function c(e,t){if(!e)throw new Error(“All info objects require an agent identifier!”);a[e]=(0,i.D)(t,o);const r=(0,n.ek)(e);r&&([e])}const u=e=>{if(!e||”string”!=typeof e)return!1;try{document.createDocumentFragment().querySelector(e)}catch{return!1}return!0};var 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Lenni Lenape

Manahahtáanung or Manhattan? Tribal representatives call for apology for Dutch settlement of New York

Representatives for some of the Lenape people have called for an apology and reparations for the 17th-century Dutch “settling” of New Amsterdam, the place that is now New York.

Precisely four centuries after the Dutch established a colony at the mouth of the Hudson River, some descendants of Indigenous Americans believe it is time for a fuller story of the wars on their people, slavery, exploitation and dispersal.

Their call for recognition comes at the opening of the first exhibition in Amsterdam exploring the colonisation of North America from the perspective of the Lenape – four nations that once fished, hunted beavers and lived on that land.

“Our overall collective eventually will want to see an apology to the Lenape people,” said Brent Stonefish, 48, from the Eelūnaapéewi Lahkéewiit (Delaware Nation) community in Ontario in Canada, at a press opening at the Amsterdam Museum.

“We have already set precedents with an apology for the African and Caribbean slave trade. In an ideal world, an apology is to all the Lenape across Turtle Island [America] and reparation from Dutch government – because we’ve lost a lot. We’ve lost culture, we’ve lost language, we’ve lost connection to our homelands … We were massacred all the way up to Ontario.”

He said that the Dutch prime minister, Mark Rutte, and King Willem-Alexander’s recent apologies for slavery set a precedent, claiming there is evidence that Native Americans were also trafficked and enslaved.

Stonefish is one of a number of representatives of four Lenape nations who have contributed to the exhibition at Amsterdam Museum: Manahahtáanung or New Amsterdam? The Indigenous Story Behind New York.

The show, which runs from 16 May until 10 November, includes historic and contemporary art, artefacts and videos of Lenape people recounting oral histories. It also reveals extraordinary archival material from the

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Lenni Lenape

Baseball Recap: Rancocas Valley picks up sixth straight win at home

On Wednesday, Rancocas Valley faced Eastern in a battle between two of the state’s top teams. The Rancocas Valley Red Devils sure made it a nail-biter, but they managed to escape with a 10-9 win over the Eastern Vikings. Rancocas Valley’s victory was all the more impressive since Eastern was averaging only 3.13 runs allowed on the season.

For Eastern’s part, Logan Dawson put in work while hitting and pitching. He tossed five innings while giving up three earned (and three unearned) runs off six hits. Dawson was also solid in the batter’s box, getting on base in three of his five plate appearances with two RBI.

In other batting news, Anthony Cataldo was cooking despite his team’s loss, scoring two runs and stealing a base while getting on base in three of his four plate appearances. Matt Gryskiewicz was another key contributor, scoring two runs and stealing a base while getting on base in three of his four plate appearances.

Rancocas Valley pushed their record up to 16-7 with that win, which was their sixth straight at home. As for Eastern, their defeat dropped their record down to 17-6.

Rancocas Valley does not have any more games scheduled as of now. As for Eastern, they will be playing at home against Lenape at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday. Eastern’s pitching crew has only allowed 3.1 runs per game this season, so Lenape’s hitters will have their work cut out for them.

Article generated by infoSentience based on data entered on MaxPreps

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Lenni Lenape

America as you’ve never seen it before: the Dutch settlement of New York from the Native American perspective

When curators from the Amsterdam Museum in the Netherlands approached descendants of the Indigenous people of Manhattan about an exhibition, they were wary. “They were like: ‘Yeah, the Dutch are coming again. What do they want now?’” recalls Imara Limon, the show’s curator. “We really had to align our intentions to get to know each other.”

The intention of the Amsterdam Museum, in collaboration with the Museum of the City of New York, was to mark the 400th year after Dutch settlers established a colony at the mouth of the Hudson River with the first exhibition to talk about what is now New York from an Indigenous perspective.

Manahahtáanung or New Amsterdam? The Indigenous Story Behind New York is at the Amsterdam Museum until 10 November and travels to New York next year. Key to the show is a collaboration with representatives from the Lenape people, four nations of Native Americans who fished, hunted beavers and lived on land “bought” and then fought over by the Dutch and eventually taken over by the English in 1667.

The exhibition marks 400 years since the Dutch arrived in America to establish a colony at the mouth of the Hudson River

© Photo: Mike Bink

“Indigenous voices are central to this project,” Limon says. “It’s not a historical exhibition where we take you through the history from A to Z to today and the future. We know how to do this, objects in space, telling a story, taking from historians and books, but how can we tell a story that has such different perspectives in all these spaces? We combine museum objects with storytelling and contemporary art, enabling historical perspectives, contemporary views and imaginations for a different future.”

It is an exhibition that certainly tries to go beyond throwing a few exotic curios and maps…

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Lenni Lenape

Doylestown to Welcome State-of-the-Art Behavioral Health Facility in 2025 

Rendering of behavioral crisis facility

Image via Lenape Valley Foundation.

The Bright Path Center, is set to open in 2025 in Doylestown to address the urgent needs of individuals facing behavioral health crises.

A groundbreaking initiative is underway to address the urgent needs of individuals facing behavioral health crises. The Bright Path Center, set to open in 2025 in Doylestown, will be the first facility of its kind in the state, writes Michele Haddon for the Bucks County Courier Times.  

It aims to offer a comprehensive, around-the-clock crisis stabilization service in a calming environment.  

Spearheaded by the Lenape Valley Foundation in collaboration with several local agencies, including Doylestown Health and the Bucks County Department of Behavioral Health, the center plans to streamline access to critical services. 

The 22,000-square-foot facility will coalesce various behavioral health services under one roof, providing a comforting, home-like setting for both adults and children.  

The center includes specialized areas for assessment, referral, rehabilitation, and withdrawal management, as well as spaces for both voluntary and involuntary treatment. 

 Bucks County Commissioner Gene DiGirolamo, motivated by personal experiences with his son’s addiction, emphasized the facility’s significance in removing obstacles to accessing the right kind of help during mental health crises.  

“It’s a struggle and that’s why this place that’s going to be built here is so important to the residents of Bucks County,” he said.  

Read more about the Bright Path Center and its newest features in the Bucks County Courier Times. 

Why Lenape Valley Foundation Matters

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Lenni Lenape

Lenape Valley Foundation Hires New Chief Executive Officer

DOYLESTOWN, PA — The Lenape Valley Foundation has announced the hiring of healthcare executive Dave Herold as the behavioral health services organization’s new chief executive officer.

A Bucks County native, Herold has more than 25 years of experience leading behavioral health and social services organizations serving the greater Philadelphia region. He takes the helm as longtime employee and CEO Sharon Curran retires after more than two decades at the nonprofit behavioral health organization that helps more than 14,000 people each year.

“The demand for high-quality health care, particularly behavioral health and social services, is at an all-time high, and families across our communities are looking for help,” said Herold. “I am proud to join the team at Lenape Valley Foundation as we continue to devise creative solutions and partnerships to meet the needs of those we serve and help make our communities stronger and healthier.”

Herold previously served as assistant vice president of business development and strategy at St. Luke’s University Health Network. In that role, he designed and launched new psychiatry services for adolescents, co-managed the design and planning of new hospitals in the Bucks County region, and developed growth strategies for behavioral health services.

He also led efforts to obtain a $4 million grant from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration to implement the organization’s Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic model at Penn Foundation.

“On behalf of the board of directors, I am thrilled to welcome Dave to Lenape Valley Foundation,” said Rob Hutchison, president of the organization’s board of directors. “Under his leadership, we know our organization will continue to thrive as we develop innovative new ways to improve behavioral health care in Bucks County for everyone.”

Herold holds a bachelor’s degree in sociology from Messiah University, in Granthan, and a Master of Business Administration from…

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