Lenni Lenape

Lenape Regional High School District Sports Roundup


Cherokee 9, Seneca 2: Evan Brown (4-for-5, 3 RBIs, home run) led visiting Cherokee (4-1, 1-1) to a win over Seneca (0-2, 0-1) in an Olympic Conference interdivision game April 11.

Cameron Della Vecchia had two hits and scored three times for the Chiefs, while Brody Miner fanned six in 5 1/3 innings for the win.

Michael Orth and Kyle Trzaskawka each had two hits and scored a run for the Golden Eagles. Alex Argabright and Brayden Davis knocked in the first-inning runs with a double and single, respectively.

Olympic Interdivision

April 11, Tabernacle

Cherokee 9, Seneca 2

Cherokee – 013 000 5 – 9 10 0

Seneca – 200 000 0 – 2 7 2

WP: Brody Minder; LP: Liam Trzaskawka; 2B: C-Brett Chiesa; S-Alex Argabright; HR: C-Leo Bluestein, Evan Brown.


Shawnee 10, Lenape 0, 5 inn.: Jackson Logar hurled a one-hitter with five walks and 11 strikeouts as Shawnee (4-1, 2-0) routed visiting Lenape (1-2, 1-0) in a five-inning Olympic Conference interdivision game April 11.

Oskar Heino’s belted a three-run homer for the Renegades, while Danny Scullion (3-for-3, 2 RBIs, home run) and Evan Lure (2-for-2, 2 RBIs, run) also contributed to the 10-hit offense.

Grant Hunter’s single was the lone hit for the Indians.

Olympic Interdivision

April 11, Medford

Shawnee 10, Lenape 0, 5 inn.

Lenape – 000 00 – 0 1 1

Shawnee – 331 21 – 10 10 0

WP: Jackson Logar; LP: Ethan Samartino; 2B: S-Ben Rickards, Chris Ahrens, Evan Lure; HR: S-Danny Scullion, Oskar Heino.

Cherokee 15, Washington Township 5, 5 inn.: Cameron Della Vecchia (4-for-4, double, 3 RBIs, 4 runs) led visiting Cherokee (5-1, 1-1) in a rout of Washington Township (3-1, 2-0) in a five-inning nonleague game April 12.

Evan Brown had a three-run double and scored a run for the Chiefs,…

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Lenni Lenape

Photos: Clearwater on the Hudson River in Kingston

Photos: Clearwater on the Hudson River in Kingston – Daily Freeman Skip to content

The Clearwater motors into the Rondout Creek in Kingston, N.Y. Monday afternoon, April 17, 2023. (Tania Barricklo/Daily Freeman)The Clearwater motors into the Rondout Creek in Kingston, N.Y. Monday afternoon, April 17, 2023. (Tania Barricklo/Daily Freeman) The Clearwater motors into the Rondout Creek in Kingston, N.Y. Monday afternoon, April 17, 2023, passing the Rondout Lighthouse. (Tania Barricklo/Daily Freeman)The Clearwater motors into the Rondout Creek in Kingston, N.Y. Monday afternoon, April 17, 2023, passing the Rondout Lighthouse. (Tania Barricklo/Daily Freeman) Author
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Lenni Lenape

GALLERY: Lake Lenape Dam in Mays Landing

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Lenni Lenape

Philly men dominating leaders in NCAA Division I faceoff percentage

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Lenni Lenape

Felician University Announces Keynote for Undergraduate Research Conference

RUTHERFORD NJ – Felician University is proud to announce that Chief Vincent Mann, Turtle Clan Chief of the Ramapough Lenape Nation with be the keynote speaker at the 2nd Annual Undergraduate Research Conference on Saturday April 15, 2023. This event is sponsored by the School of Arts & Sciences. Dr. Lavina Sequeira, Associate Dean of Humanities is serving as Chairperson.

Chief Mann is a Trustee of the Highlands Coalition and former member of the Ringwood Mines Superfund Site Citizen Advisory Group (CAG). He is currently working on co-creating the United Lunaapeewak which looks to achieve cultural restoration and education projects for the broader public. Chief Mann is co-founder of the Munsee Three Sisters Medicinal Farm, an initiative to restore food sovereignty for the Clan and to create local jobs. He established partnerships with NYU Environmental Medicine on a community health survey a collaboration with the Rutgers Newark Price Institute on Ethnicity, Culture & the Modern Experience on an “Archive of the Lenape Dispossession” and the publication of the Our Land, Our Stories book with Rutgers Department of Landscape Architecture.

The 2023 conference theme is Transformation and Sustainability: Global Solutions for the 21st Century. The purpose of the Undergraduate Research Conference is to engage undergraduate students across the region in constructive dialogue and explore equitable, realistic solutions to challenges facing society today. Research can address access to healthcare, environmental care, ecological economy, community resilience, and empowerment. The successful proposals will be presented by the undergraduate students.

The Felician University URC is dedicated to promoting undergraduate research, scholarship, and creative activity in any field of study that relates to “caring for our common home,” a reflection of the university’s Felician Franciscan values. Grounded in innovation and advocacy, it is an opportunity to engage, collaborate, and explore interdisciplinary perspectives of academic discourse and…

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Lenni Lenape

Pocono420, Jim Thorpe Indie Films, Earth Day and more kick off spring fest season

STAFF REPORTS  |  Pocono Record

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PA farm world’s first Regenerative Organic Certified hemp grower

Pocono Organics has been designated as the first and only Regenerative Organic Certified hemp producer in the world.

Brian Myszkowski, Pocono Record

  • One of the largest cannabis fests in the country is headed to the Poconos
  • Film festival to highlight Lenape community
  • Lehigh Valley fests worth the trip

According to a study done by online fashion retailer Boohoo, Pennsylvania is among the top-10 most festival-obsessed states in the country― and the Poconos are no exception. April kicks off festival season in northeast Pennsylvania and the Lehigh Valley.

Read on for our staff’s festival picks.

Pennsylvania Cannabis Festival to take place at Pocono Raceway

Pennsylvania’s 9th annual Cannabis Festival is headed to the Tricky Triangle. The festival, themed “Pocono420” will take place April 22-23 at the Pocono Raceway in Long Pond. The Scranton-based festival is one of the largest on the East Coast, second only to the Boston Freedom Rally.

Presented by CuraLeaf, the 18 and over festival boasts two concert stages, more than 300 vendors and 30-plus food vendors. Enjoy headliners such as Bong Hits for Jesus and Space Kamp on the day stage, and rock out to Kottonmouth Kings and Mendo Dope for Saturday night concerts, among other acts.

“We have…

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Lenni Lenape

Delaware Water Gap national park petition reignites controversy

(The Center Square) – A new effort to redesignate the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area as a national park and preserve has reignited old controversies among property owners wary of further government intrusion.

Facing off on the issue are the Delaware River National Park & Lenape Preserve Alliance – who is spearheading the congressional petition for the redesignation – and the Delaware Water Gap Defense Fund, also known as No National Park, who feel the area’s current status is satisfactory.

Bob Fitch, media liaison for the Lenape Preserve Alliance, says it wants to place “this gem of our national heritage into the jeweled crown of the national park system where it has always belonged,” enhancing its protection and prestige.

The recreation area spans 70,000 acres along a 40-mile stretch of the Delaware River, from northeastern Pennsylvania to the western edge of the Kittatinny Mountains in New Jersey’s Warren and Sussex counties. At the time of its original designation, it did not fit the characteristics of a national park.

The petition calls for 9,760 acres – 14% of the area – to become a national park, the majority of which surrounds the river. Over 56,000 acres would become a preserve on which hunting would be allowed.

Delaware River National Park and Lenape Preserve petition

Delaware River National Park and Lenape Preserve’s proposal to redesignate portions of the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area as a national park, as illustrated in this map.

Delaware River National Park and Lenape Preserve

No National Park worries, however, that doing so will increase traffic, damage infrastructure in the park and surrounding communities, cost too much money, restrict hunting and farming, and lose more property through eminent domain.

The group’s concerns stem from historical precedent – the memory of which causes…

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Lenni Lenape

Shawnee defeats Lenape – Baseball recap

Jackson Logar pitched five innings of one-hit ball and struck out 11 while allowing five walks to lead Shawnee past Lenape 10-0 in Medford.

Shawnee (4-1) took a 3-0 lead in the bottom of the first inning before adding three more runs in the second. Oskar Heino hit a three-run home run and scored a run.

Shawnee’s Danny Scullion also went 3-3 with a home run, two RBI, and one run. Evan Lure finished 2-2 with two RBI and one run.

Grant Hunter recorded the sole hit for Lenape (1-2).

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Craig Epstein may be reached at Follow him on Twitter @CraigEpstein18.

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Lenni Lenape

Unitarian Congregation of West Chester to pay reparations to the Lenni Lenape people

In a special service on Sunday, April 16 at 10 a.m., the Unitarian Congregation of West Chester will pay reparations to the Lenni Lenape people. For the service, the congregation will be joined by Chief Chuck DeMund of the Lenape Nation of Pennsylvania, who will share stories, history, and teachings, as well as information about current struggles for recognition. All proceeds from the special collection will benefit the Lenape Nation of Pennsylvania.

The reparations program began with a conversation the congregation’s Minister, Rev. Dan Schatz, held with the Social Justice Committee and Board of Trustees. “We often acknowledge that our building stands on land that is part of the Lenape homeland,” said Rev. Schatz, “but without reparations, acknowledgments don’t mean that much.” The congregation, which shares its offering with community organizations once a month, decided to commit one Sunday a year to the Lenape people. “Many of us will be giving reparations for the land on which our homes sit, as well as the congregation,” said Rev. Schatz, “and this year is just a beginning.”

Chief Chuck DeMund of the Lenape Nation of Pennsylvania. (Submitted Photo)Chief Chuck DeMund of the Lenape Nation of Pennsylvania. (Submitted Photo)

In giving reparations, Rev. Schatz acknowledges the complicated issues involved. “There are Lenape who were forcibly removed to reservations in the West, and there are Lenape here in Pennsylvania, struggling for legal recognition. Both deserve support. We decided to begin by giving to the Lenape Nation of Pennsylvania because it offers us the opportunity to be directly engaged and begin to build relationships.”

Pennsylvania is one of only 13 states that that does not recognize a tribe within its boundaries.  The Lenape Nation of Pennsylvania, a 501c3, is lobbying the state legislature for the same status granted to Lenape communities…

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Lenni Lenape

Ocean City High School boys lacrosse hosts Lenape

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