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Tag: Lenni Lenape
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new Promise((resolve) => { if (window.__uspapi && ‘function’ === typeof __uspapi) { __uspapi(‘getUSPData’, 1, (uspData, success) => { if(success) { const consent = uspData.uspString.split(”)[2]; if (consent === ‘N’) { resolve(true); } else { resolve(false); } } else { resolve(false); } }); } else { resolve(false); } }); // Dispatch event for user consent window.OneTrust?.OnConsentChanged(({ detail }) => { const nxsConsentEvent = new CustomEvent(‘nxsConsent’, { detail }); dispatchEvent(nxsConsentEvent); }); // groups the user has consented to window.nxsConsentGroups = window.OnetrustActiveGroups; }) ]]> Continue reading
Pa. working on new policy to govern reenactments at sites like Bushy Run 0)&&(width <728)){type = "Mobile";} else if ((width>=728)&&(width<1024)){type = "Tablet";}else {type = "Desktop";} var BigBox_ATF_1size; if (type == "Mobile") {BigBox_ATF_1active = 1;BigBox_ATF_1size = [300,250] ; } else if (type =="Tablet") {BigBox_ATF_1active = 1;BigBox_ATF_1size = [300,250]; } else if (type =="Desktop") {BigBox_ATF_1active = 1;BigBox_ATF_1size = [300,250]; } else {BigBox_ATF_1active = 0;BigBox_ATF_1size = '300x50,300x100,300x250';} if (BigBox_ATF_1active > 0){ slot11 = googletag.defineSlot(‘/207845991/BigBox_ATF_1’, BigBox_ATF_1size, ‘div-gpt-ad-1380843670843-11’).setTargeting(‘test’, ‘lazyload’).addService(googletag.pubads());} /* var BigBox_BTF_1size; if (type == “Mobile”) {BigBox_BTF_1active = 1;BigBox_BTF_1size = [300,250] ; } else if (type ==”Tablet”) {BigBox_BTF_1active = 1;BigBox_BTF_1size = [300,250]; } else if (type ==”Desktop”) {BigBox_BTF_1active = 1;BigBox_BTF_1size = [300,250]; } else {BigBox_BTF_1active = 0;BigBox_BTF_1size = ‘300×50,300×100,300×250’;} if (BigBox_BTF_1active > 0){ slot17 = googletag.defineSlot(‘/207845991/BigBox_BTF_1’, BigBox_BTF_1size, ‘div-gpt-ad-1380843670843-17’).setTargeting(‘test’, ‘lazyload’).addService(googletag.pubads());} var Sponsor_ATF_1size; if (type == “Desktop”) {Sponsor_ATF_1active = 1;Sponsor_ATF_1size = [224,90]; } else {Sponsor_ATF_1active = 0;Sponsor_ATF_1size = ‘224×90’;} if (Sponsor_ATF_1active > 0){ slot5 = googletag.defineSlot(‘/207845991/Sponsor_ATF_1’, Sponsor_ATF_1size, ‘div-gpt-ad-1380843670843-5’).setTargeting(‘test’, ‘lazyload’).addService(googletag.pubads());} */ var Sponsor_BTF_2size; if (type == “Desktop”) {Sponsor_BTF_2active = 1;Sponsor_BTF_2size = [224,90]; } else {Sponsor_BTF_2active = 0;Sponsor_BTF_2size = ‘224×90’;} if (Sponsor_BTF_2active > 0){ slot9 = googletag.defineSlot(‘/207845991/Sponsor_BTF_2’, Sponsor_BTF_2size, ‘div-gpt-ad-1380843670843-9’).setTargeting(‘test’, ‘lazyload’).addService(googletag.pubads());} var Leaderboard_ATF_1size; if (type == “Mobile”) {Leaderboard_ATF_1active = 1;Leaderboard_ATF_1size = [[300,50],[320,50]]; } else if (type ==”Tablet”) {Leaderboard_ATF_1active = 1;Leaderboard_ATF_1size = [728,90]; } else if (type ==”Desktop”) {Leaderboard_ATF_1active = 1;Leaderboard_ATF_1size = [728,90]; } else {Leaderboard_ATF_1active = 0;Leaderboard_ATF_1size = ‘300×50,320×50,300×250,468×60,728×90’;} if (Leaderboard_ATF_1active > 0){ slot35 = googletag.defineSlot(‘/207845991/Leaderboard_ATF_1’, Leaderboard_ATF_1size, ‘div-gpt-ad-1380843670843-35’).setTargeting(‘test’, ‘lazyload’).addService(googletag.pubads());} /* var Leaderboard_BTF_2size; if (type == “Mobile”) {Leaderboard_BTF_2active = 1;Leaderboard_BTF_2size = [[300,50],[320,50]]; } else if (type ==”Tablet”) {Leaderboard_BTF_2active = 1;Leaderboard_BTF_2size = [728,90]; } else if (type ==”Desktop”) {Leaderboard_BTF_2active = 1;Leaderboard_BTF_2size = [728,90]; } else {Leaderboard_BTF_2active = 0;Leaderboard_BTF_2size = ‘300×50,320×50,300×250,468×60,728×90’;} if (Leaderboard_BTF_2active > 0){ slot42 = googletag.defineSlot(‘/207845991/Leaderboard_BTF_2’, Leaderboard_BTF_2size, ‘div-gpt-ad-1380843670843-42’).setTargeting(‘test’, ‘lazyload’).addService(googletag.pubads());} */ var Leaderboard_STF_1size; if (type == “Mobile”) {Leaderboard_STF_1active = 1;Leaderboard_STF_1size = [[300,50],[320,50]]; } else if (type ==”Tablet”) {Leaderboard_STF_1active…
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Published July 20, 2023
Manhattan Divorce Lawyer Ryan Besinque Discusses Plans of Service Area Expansion in Manhattan
Renowned Manhattan divorce lawyer Ryan Besinque has announced plans to expand their area of service within the city’s most populous borough. A firm fixture in the legal landscape, they are now set to accommodate more Manhattan neighborhoods, bringing much-needed access to legal services for many residents.
Manhattan is the smallest yet most densely populated borough of New York, home to major commercial, political, and cultural centers. It is subdivided into Lower, Midtown, and Upper Manhattan, each with its own unique character and charm. Besinque’s expansion comes as a response to the increasing demand for legal services within these diverse neighborhoods.
The history of Manhattan is as colorful as its present. Originally inhabited by the Lenape people, the area was later colonized by Dutch settlers who purchased the island from the natives. Its name, derived from the Lenape word ‘Manna-hata’, means ‘island of many hills’. Over centuries, Manhattan evolved into a vibrant melting pot of cultures, attracting millions of immigrants from around the world.
Manhattan’s geography is equally fascinating. The island, bordered by three rivers, offers an interesting blend of natural beauty and architectural marvels. Among these, Central Park, a 843-acre urban park in the heart of Manhattan, stands out. It’s a sprawling oasis that provides respite from the city’s hustle and bustle. The park’s landscapes are as diverse as the city itself – from serene lakes to verdant meadows, and from intricate bridges to architectural treasures like the Bethesda Terrace.
Further south, the Statue of Liberty, an iconic symbol…
The West Chester Green Team continued its Legendary Lenape Summer Program at Historic Bondsville Mill Park and Gardens in Downingtown on
July 15. The program teaches children and their families about the Lenape tribes that lived in Chester County
Carrie Hawk, Environmental Educator with Stroud Water Research Center and member of Restore Our Roots, brought various animal skins and skulls and led activities to teach a group of families about the Lenape peoples and the animals that lived in Chester County in Lenape times. She showed the group turtle shells and how the Lenape used them as rattles and bowls. Hawk also explained how the toughness of turtle shells was based on the species, the diet and the amount of sunlight the turtle received
Hawk passed around different animal pelts and bones that the Lenape used as clothing, tools and weapons. The Lenape made bones and hooves into jewelry for ceremonial wear. With beaver pelts, the Lenape would use the waterproof fur to keep warm and dry in the winter.
Carrie Hawk, Environmental Educator with Stroud Water Research Center and member of Restore Our Roots, brought various animal skins and skulls and led activities to teach a group of families about the Lenape peoples and the animals that lived in Chester County in Lenape times. (Photo courtesy of Elizabeth-Cunningham)
Bondsville Mill Park is seen here (Photo courtesy of Bondsville Mill Park)
The Lenape session. (Photo courtesy Elizabeth Cunningham)
A member of the group asked if beavers still live in Chester County. Hawk said, “Yes, there are some in Beaver Creek and along the Brandywine. Though beavers…
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By John Fey
Published: 5:24 am EDT July 13, 2023Published: July 13, 2023Updated: 3:18 pm EDT July 12, 2023
Image via iStock.
The event gives local children the chance to learn the joys of riding a bicycle.
A fun and interactive program is returning to Bucks County, offering young residents the chance to learn the joys of riding a bicycle.
“Wheelie Wednesdays” will be returning to Doylestown at the end of the month. The first event will be a general “Learn to Ride” program, which will be held at Central Bucks High School West on July 26.
The second event, titled “Skills and Drills”, will be held at Lenape Middle School on Aug. 9. The last event, “Bike Rodeo”, will be held at Fanny Chapman Park on Aug. 23.
“These FREE programs are designed to help your little one gain confidence on their bike and discover the joy of riding!” the Borough of Doylestown said online.
“Whether they want to ditch their training wheels or learn how to handle their bike better, Bucks County Classic has a program for them!”
The first event is sold out, but the latter two are still available for sign-ups.
Learn more at the Borough of Doylestown.
Above photo: Principal Chief Dennis Coker, Lenape Indian Tribe of Delaware, talks with DNREC Secretary Shawn M. Garvin during a tour. /DNREC photo.
The Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control is listing properties acquired through the state’s Open Space Program.
Since 2022, DNREC has added 597 acres to the nearly 45,000 acres the department previously acquired through the program with combined state, federal, and partner funds.
“The Delaware Open Space Program supports our conservation work with funding and donations to help us fill in crucial gaps with easements and acquisitions – one piece at a time – between protected properties,” said DNREC Secretary Shawn M. Garvin. “These properties may be as small as an acre or a hundred times that size but serve the same purpose connecting Delaware’s protected lands, wetlands and waterways, which often may be vital habitat for our state’s threatened or endangered species. These lands also support active outdoor recreation, from hunting and fishing to birdwatching and hiking trails.”
DNREC manages 17 state parks, 20 wildlife areas and dozens of public recreation access areas including trails, overlooks, boardwalks, fishing piers and boat ramps.
Over the past year, the DNREC Division of Parks and Recreation added seven new properties in key locations, totaling approximately 254 acres:
- Jaggers Conservation Easement – About 9 acres of wooded land adjoining the James Branch Nature Preserve and adjacent to Trap Pond State Park is included in the February 2022 easement. The property expands the protected lands within the James Branch watershed.
- Rocky Run Ventures LLC Property – Two acres in New Castle purchased in May 2022 expanded Brandywine Creek State Park and protects forest land.
- The Lenape Conservation Easement – A
Thirteen new properties have been added as protected acreage through the Open Space program. A total of 597 acres is now under conservation statewide – most of this is in Kent and Sussex Counties. DNREC manages 17 state parks, 20 wildlife areas and dozens of public recreation access areas including trails, overlooks, boardwalks, fishing piers and boat ramps. DNREC Division of Parks and Recreation has added about 254 acres including areas of Trap Pond State Park and the James Branch Nature Preserve and Killens Pond State Park. And the Division of Fish and Wildlife added six new properties – about 343 acres – that improve public access, protect sensitive areas and expand and connect existing wildlife areas.
Additional information from DNREC:
Over the last year, the DNREC Division of Parks and Recreation added seven new properties in key locations, totaling approximately 254 acres:
- Jaggers Conservation Easement – About 9 acres of wooded land adjoining the James Branch Nature Preserve and adjacent to Trap Pond State Park is included in the February 2022 easement. The property expands the protected lands within the James Branch watershed and preserves its scenic, natural and aesthetic values.
- Rocky Run Ventures LLC Property – Two acres in New Castle purchased in May 2022 expanded Brandywine Creek State Park and helped protect forested lands.
- The Lenape Conservation Easement – A conservation easement on 11 acres in Kent County was donated in June 2022 by The Conservation Fund. The easement protects land adjacent to Delaware State Parks’ Fork Branch Nature Preserve. In addition, The Conservation Fund donated the ownership rights to the Lenape Indian Tribe of Delaware. The Lenape have been stewarding the lands including the removal of invasive species.
- Ward Property – 39 acres in Sussex County…