RUTHERFORD NJ – Felician University is proud to announce that Chief Vincent Mann, Turtle Clan Chief of the Ramapough Lenape Nation with be the keynote speaker at the 2nd Annual Undergraduate Research Conference on Saturday April 15, 2023. This event is sponsored by the School of Arts & Sciences. Dr. Lavina Sequeira, Associate Dean of Humanities is serving as Chairperson.
Chief Mann is a Trustee of the Highlands Coalition and former member of the Ringwood Mines Superfund Site Citizen Advisory Group (CAG). He is currently working on co-creating the United Lunaapeewak which looks to achieve cultural restoration and education projects for the broader public. Chief Mann is co-founder of the Munsee Three Sisters Medicinal Farm, an initiative to restore food sovereignty for the Clan and to create local jobs. He established partnerships with NYU Environmental Medicine on a community health survey a collaboration with the Rutgers Newark Price Institute on Ethnicity, Culture & the Modern Experience on an “Archive of the Lenape Dispossession” and the publication of the Our Land, Our Stories book with Rutgers Department of Landscape Architecture.
The 2023 conference theme is Transformation and Sustainability: Global Solutions for the 21st Century. The purpose of the Undergraduate Research Conference is to engage undergraduate students across the region in constructive dialogue and explore equitable, realistic solutions to challenges facing society today. Research can address access to healthcare, environmental care, ecological economy, community resilience, and empowerment. The successful proposals will be presented by the undergraduate students.
The Felician University URC is dedicated to promoting undergraduate research, scholarship, and creative activity in any field of study that relates to “caring for our common home,” a reflection of the university’s Felician Franciscan values. Grounded in innovation and advocacy, it is an opportunity to engage, collaborate, and explore interdisciplinary perspectives of academic discourse and…