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“Jim Flanery has built a monster”: College hoops analyst makes his feelings clear about Creighton with ‘Lauren Jensen, Morgan Maly and Co. back’

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Canada’s $42 Billion Asset Could Spell Serious Trouble for Toronto Tempo, NBA Legend Warns

Voila! The Toronto WNBA expansion team finally has a name— Toronto Tempo. Set to debut as the league’s 14th franchise in 2026, Tempo will be the WNBA’s first team outside the United States. Team president Teresa Resch described the name, “Tempo is pace. It’s speed. It’s a heartbeat. And it’s what you feel when you step into the streets of this city and in the energy of the people who call Canada home.

While the team seems prepared to hit the ground running, some think Canada might not be entirely ready to have their basketball team.

Gilbert Arenas has a unique take on this. In a recent tweet, shared by Krysta, the former NBA star expressed concerns about travel logistics for the new team. “By 2026, y’all better be flying private. It shouldn’t be all commercial. I’m just saying, commercial flights to Toronto are going to be a motherf—-r with customs. Hopefully, y’all are all private by then,” Arenas said.


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He didn’t stop there. “I don’t play no more, so it doesn’t affect me. I’m just saying, charter flights this season, maybe not be the most ideal planes for some teams, and kind of janky travel conditions. But do you think this expansion will really help the league grow? Or will it water things down? I don’t know.”

Arenas might be onto something. Toronto Pearson International Airport has earned a reputation as one of the worst airports in North America for customer satisfaction, despite contributing over $42 billion annually to Ontario’s GDP. According to a JD Power survey, it ranked 20th out of 21 mega-sized airports, scoring 36 points below the average for factors like terminal facilities, baggage claims, security checks, and food options.

And it’s not just one survey. CTV News Toronto also ranked it among the five worst major…

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Caitlin Clark’s Time Award Questioned By Sheryl Swoopes

Indiana Fever star and WNBA Rookie of the Year Caitlin Clark was recently hailed TIME Magazine’s Athlete of The Year. Fans were delighted and people were happy for Clark, but some people raised questions about her eligibility for the award.

In a recent episode of the “Gil’s Arena” podcast with Gilbert Arenas and co-host Josiah Johnson, former WNBA player and six-time WNBA All-Star Sherly Swoopes expressed her doubts and reservations on the award given to Caitlin Clark.

“I don’t think I’m surprised,” Swoopes said. “I’m curious to know who the other candidates were, but the fact that that’s the very first WNBA player to ever win TIME Magazine Athlete of the Year is pretty special.”

Caitlin ClarkSep 22, 2024; Uncasville, Connecticut, USA; Indiana Fever guard Caitlin Clark (22) during the game against Indiana Fever during game one of the first round of the 2024 WNBA Playoffs at Mohegan Sun Arena. Mandatory Credit: Mark Smith-Imagn Images

“My question is, the criteria, is it based off of her performance on the court, which she had a great year or is it more about the impact that she had on the game this season?”

Clark was the first WNBA player to be given the TIME Magazine award, and the first solo woman athlete as well. The first receiver of the award in 2019 was the United States Women’s National Soccer Team. Following that, TIME awarded the title to LeBron James (2020), Simone Biles (2021), Aaron Judge (2022), and Lionel Messi (2023).

Caitlin ClarkSep 11, 2024; Indianapolis, Indiana, USA; Indiana Fever guard Caitlin Clark (22) smiles Wednesday, Sept. 11, 2024, during a game between the Indiana Fever and the Las Vegas Aces at Gainbridge Fieldhouse in Indianapolis. Mandatory Credit: Grace Smith

Fans did not like how Swoopes…

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Enter to Win Tickets to See Earth, Wind & Fire at Mohegan Sun

Enter to Win Tickets to See Earth, Wind & Fire at Mohegan Sun [] {if( “__uspapi” in window ){__uspapi(‘getUSPData’, 1 , (uspData, success) => {if(success) {res( uspData || {} );} else {res( {} );}});}else{res( {} );}});}; ]]> { //console.log(‘[Osano] Initialized’); // Get the user’s jurisdiction const jurisdiction =; // Check the jurisdiction and take action if (jurisdiction && jurisdiction.startsWith(“us-“)) { //console.log(‘[Osano] User is outside the EU. Hiding dialog, Do Not Sell, and Widget…’);;; const osanoWidget = document.getElementsByClassName(“osano-cm-widget”); osanoWidget && osanoWidget[0] && (osanoWidget[0].style.display = “none”); } }); let osanoSaved = 0;//prevent refresh on load because: If the consent has been saved already, the callback will be called immediately.“osano-cm-consent-saved”, (save) => { //console.log(“Osano Saved: ” + osanoSaved); if( osanoSaved > 0 ){ //console.log( “Save Toggled: “, JSON.stringify( save ) ); window.location.reload(); } osanoSaved++; }); ]]> =0&&r<600?"Overnight":r>=600&&r<1e3?"Morning Drive":r>=1e3&&r<1500?"Midday":r>=1500&&r<1900?"Afternoon Drive":r>=1900&&r<2400?"Evening":void 0}(new Date);carbonInitDataLayer.userAgent = navigator.userAgent; w.dataLayer = w.dataLayer || []; w.dataLayer.push( carbonInitDataLayer ); w.dataLayer.push({event: "page_view", viewType: "standard"}); })(window);]]> { window.fbLoaded = () => { (window.FB && !window.FB.__buffer) && (()=>{window.FB.__buffer=true;})(); }; })(document, “script”, “ig-shit”);]]> { const uspData = await window.TSM.fn.getUspData(); var params={pubID:”3227″,adServer:”googletag”,params:{us_privacy: uspData.uspString || “1—“}};apstag.init(params);})(); })(); ]]> Continue reading


How to see Keith Urban at Mohegan Sun next year

UNCASVILLE, Conn. (WTNH) — Blue ain’t your color, but it might be how you’re feeling if you miss Keith Urban’s Connecticut tour stop next year.

The Grammy Award-winning country artist is set to bring his “High and Alive World Tour” to Mohegan Sun at 7 p.m. on Oct. 3, 2025.

Jerry Seinfeld to perform in Bridgeport in 2025

The tour will include special guests Chase Matthew, Alana Springsteen, and Karley Scott Collins.

Some of Urban’s most famous songs include “Long Hot Summer,” “Days Go By,” “Blue Ain’t Your Color,” and “Somewhere In My Car.” His latest album “High” was released in September.

Tickets will be available to the general public on Ticketmaster starting at 10 a.m. on Friday, Dec. 13.

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Yale vs Fairfield Prediction College Basketball Picks 11/23/24

Fairfield (2-3) vs Yale (3-3)

Game Info: Saturday, November 23, 2024 at 2:30 pm (Mohegan Sun Arena)

Betting Odds: Fairfield +10.5 / Yale -10.5 — Over/Under: 140.5 Click Here for the Latest Odds

Where to Watch: ESPN+ Stream College Basketball all season on ESPN+. Sign up now! Advertisement

In this article, we will formulate a Yale vs Fairfield prediction for this College Basketball game on Saturday, November 23rd at Mohegan Sun Arena in Uncasville, Connecticut. Let’s take a look at the prediction for this College Basketball matchup.

Yale Bulldogs Betting Preview

The Yale Bulldogs are 3-3 this year after they defeated Stony Brook by a score of 86-64 in their last game. Yale led 48-28 at the half and was able to maintain the comfortable lead for the win. The Bulldogs shot 50.7% from the field, 45% on three-pointers, and 43.8% on free throws in the game. John Poulakidas led Yale with 22 points with three rebounds in the game. 

Prior to that win, the Bulldogs lost to Minnesota by a score of 59-56 but did beat a non-D-1 team before that. Yale has scored 82.2 points per game and they have allowed 69 points per game, while also averaging 40.2 rebounds and 20.3 assists per game this season. John Poulakidas is averaging 20.7 points, 3.8 rebounds, and 1.3 assists per game, while Yale is shooting 50% from the field, 64.3% on free throws, and 41.4% on three-pointers this year. Yale will play against Delaware, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Akron following this one.

Fairfield Stags Betting Preview

The Fairfield Stags are 2-3 this season after they lost to Drexel by a score of 67-61 in their last game. Fairfield trailed 33-21 at…

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Vermont vs Delaware Prediction College Basketball Picks 11/23/24

Vermont vs Delaware Prediction College Basketball Picks 11/23/24 – Pick Dawgz By Randy Chambers | November 23, 2024 3:29 am

Delaware (2-2) vs Vermont (2-3)

Game Info: Saturday, November 23, 2024 at 12:00 pm (Mohegan Sun Arena)

Betting Odds: Delaware +4.5 / Vermont -4.5 — Over/Under: Click Here for the Latest Odds

The Delaware Blue Hens and Vermont Catamounts meet Saturday in college basketball action at the Mohegan Sun Arena. Here’s a Vermont vs Delaware Prediction. This article will include a Vermont vs Delaware Pick.

Delaware Blue Hens Betting Preview

The Delaware Blue Hens beat Iona, lost to Bryant, and they play Yale, Rider, and Delaware State next. The Delaware Blue Hens are averaging 75.5 points on 42.2 percent shooting and allowing 76.3 points on 42.4 percent shooting. John Camden is averaging 15.8 points and 4 rebounds, while Niels Lane is averaging 15.5 points and 1 assist. Erik Timko is the third double-digit scorer and Cavan Reilly is dishing 1 assist. The Delaware Blue Hens are shooting 33.3 percent from beyond the arc and 78.4 percent from the free throw line. The Delaware Blue Hens are allowing 37.5 percent shooting from deep and are grabbing 31.3 rebounds per game.

Vermont Catamounts Betting Preview

The Vermont Catamounts lost to Iona, beat Buffalo, and they play Fairfield, Northeastern, and Brown next. The Vermont Catamounts are averaging 59.6 points on 37.7 percent shooting and allowing 70 points on 42.6 percent shooting. TJ Hurley is averaging 13.8 points and 2.4 rebounds, while TJ Long is averaging 12.4 points and 1 assist. Ileri Ayo-Faleye is dishing 0.8 assists and Shamir Bogues is grabbing 3.4 rebounds. The Vermont Catamounts are shooting 32.5 percent from beyond the arc and 74.6 percent from the…

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