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Tag: Mohegan

WILKES-BARRE, PA – Kinesiology was the fastest winner in the six $20,000 harness racing divisions of the first prelim of the Bobby Weiss Series on a gorgeous Tuesday afternoon at Pocono Downs at Mohegan Pennsylvania, while Hall Of Fame driver David Miller accounted for three divisions of the initial round for three-year-old trotting fillies.
Kinesiology is all alone in winning a Weiss Series division Tuesday at Pocono (Curtis Salonick Photo)
The Walner filly Kinesiology had all her muscles moving in the correct fashion as she stopped the timer in 1:55 to remain undefeated after two 2024 starts after getting blanked as a freshman. Michael Burke conditions the improved filly for Burke Racing Stable LLC, Beasty LLC, Lawrence Karr, and J&T Silva-Purnel & Libby.
Miller brought two Tactical Landing misses to lifetime bests: Tactical Lori (1:55.2) for trainer Nifty Norman and owners Melvin Hartman and Enzed Racing Stable Inc. in her second consecutive visit to Victory Lane, and Mantacular (1:56), successful in her seasonal bow for trainer Daniel Renaud and Glengate Farms. The leading moneywinner among active drivers added a third Weiss win with the Walner miss Elista Hanover, whose 1:55.3 matched her previous best win clocking from a qualifier, for trainer Annie Stoebe, co-owner with R. Lynn and Philomena Curry.
Braxten Boyd, who drove a winner in each series competition en route to four triumphs on the day, guided the Father Patrick miss Happy Chopper to a new mark of 1:56.1 in her first race of the year for trainer Mark Harder, co-owner with Dean Lockhart and Denna Rachel Frost.
Sire Walner picked up a second Weiss credit with Tove Palema for driver Andy Miller and trainer/wife Julie, who…
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Tony Orlando and Dawn (Telma Hopkins and Joyce Vincent), Mohegan Sun Arena, March 22, 2024
Tony Orlando, the singer who scored five top 10 hits in the 1970s, including the chart-toppers “Knock Three Times,” “Tie a Yellow Ribbon Round the Ole Oak Tree” and “He Don’t Love You (Like I Love You),” has completed his farewell tour, with a final performance at Mohegan Sun Arena in Uncasville, Conn., on March 22. Orlando turned 80 on April 3, 2024.
At the final show, Orlando was joined on stage by the singers billed as Dawn for many of his big singles. “I’m a cry baby,” he said as he regained his composure, “But these two women lifted me up to my dream come true. Without Telma Hopkins, without Joyce Vincent, there’d be no me.”
Watch them perform several songs, including “Tie a Yellow Ribbon” and “Candida”
Orlando will continue hosting his radio program Saturday Nights with Tony Orlando on 77 WABC Music Radio, which airs in New York, as well as reaching New Jersey, Connecticut and Pennsylvania, and streams live. He will continue engaging in a multitude of ongoing projects, including a new film and multimedia company, Tony Orlando Productions, according to an announcement from his publicist.
Orlando, born Michael Anthony Orlando Cassavitis, in New York City, is a Grammy-nominated artist with 15 Top 40 hits, two platinum albums, three gold albums and millions of copies sold. He started out as a member of a doo-wop group called the Five Gents at age 15, then wrote songs for entrepreneur Don Kirshner…
2002-2006 - Stanford University
Si’s versatile career path has seen him operate at a large variety of companies, including stints with both Las Vegas Sands and China Sands. His extensive credentials have led him into a range of high-profile leadership positions – the most recent of which sees him at the helm of Mohegan Inspire as the company’s President and Representative Director.
Under Si’s guidance, the Mohegan Inspire entertainment resort recently opened its doors, hosting its official opening on Yeongjong Island in March 2024.
Si graduated from Massachusetts Institute of Technology with a Bachelor’s in Economics before attaining a Master’s in Business Administration from Stanford University.
His career then started in 2007, as an Analyst for McKinsey & Company. The role involved formulating growth strategies, cost-cutting and procurement. He held the position for three years before moving on in July 2010.
In 2011, Si spent the year working as an Intern for Pontiac Land Group as well as a Summer Associate for The Blackstone Group – both positions enabled him to enhance his skills in finance and business.
Following on from this, Si joined the Las Vegas Sands Corporation where he worked as an Operations Associate for ten months between June 2012 to March 2013.
This led to him joining Marina Bay Sands in April 2013, first working as the Director of Food and Beverage, before his responsibilities expanded and he took on the title of Director of Casino, Food and Beverage. In total, Si was with Marina Bay Sands for a year and a half.
Next, Si went back to working with Las Vegas Sands Corporation, this time stepping into the position of Director of Player Development for a nine-month stint.
Shortly after, Si joined Sands China. He initially entered the company as the AVP of International Marketing…

WILKES-BARRE – With the 150th Kentucky Derby taking place Saturday, May 4, Mohegan Pennsylvania is set to host a Kentucky Derby Party like never before with food trucks, mint juleps, contests, promotions, live music and much more.
Beginning at 2:00 p.m., this annual event provides guests with an opportunity to indulge in delicious bites, try various alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, participate in a Hat Revue for a chance to win up to a $500 Mohegan Pennsylvania gift card and join in on a promotion where guests can win up to $1,000 in free wagers.
Additionally, a special edition of Party on the Patio will take place after the race! There is no cover for the Kentucky Derby Party and Party on the Patio.
The Kentucky Derby Party will feature Coors Light, Blue Moon, a variety of seltzers, spirits and non-alcoholic beverages. Guests can also enjoy the official cocktail of the Kentucky Derby — the Mint Julep — with an opportunity to upgrade to a specialty 150th Anniversary Kentucky Derby glass while supplies last.
Those looking to grab a quick bite can head over to the Burger Bus and Eat Up Now food trucks where a variety of mouthwatering options will be available.
Guests can stop by the Best Cigar Pub booth where a live cigar roller will be in action and a selection of cigars will be available for purchase.
Additionally, guests can relax and listen to acoustic music by Ken Norton from 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Throughout the day, the Spa Sapphire team will be set up in the racing lobby and assisting guests with Derby Day essentials. Additionally, guests can explore Spa Sapphire’s exquisite five-star services and plan a day of luxurious self-care.
The Hat Revue is also back, and guests have an opportunity to…
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