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Alleged cheater facing charges at Mohegan Pennsylvania

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2024 WNBA Draft to take place on April 15 at Brooklyn Academy of Music with fans in attendance

For the first time in eight years, the WNBA Draft will be open to fans looking to get a glimpse of the league’s newest crop of superstars.

The league’s 28th annual draft is set to take place on April 15 with WNBA Commissioner Cathy Engelbert announcing the draft picks at the Brooklyn Academy of Music, a famed performing arts theater that is just minutes away from Barclays Center.

About 1,000 tickets will be sold for this year’s draft, the league announced Wednesday. It’s the first time the draft will have fans in attendance since the 2014-16 drafts were held at Mohegan Sun Arena in Uncasville, Conn.

“We are focused on creating elevated events that WNBA fans won’t want to miss, at a time when the energy for the WNBA has never been higher,” Engelbert said in a statement. “Last season resulted in our most-watched regular season in over two decades, our highest total attendance in 13 years and set record figures across WNBA digital and social platforms.”

Last year, Spring Studios in Manhattan hosted the 2023 WNBA Draft, where the Indiana Fever selected eventual unanimous Rookie of the Year winner Aliyah Boston with the No. 1 overall pick. The Fever are again slated to have the first selection in this year’s draft.

Iowa’s Caitlin Clark, Stanford’s Cameron Brink, Tennessee’s Rickea Jackson, LSU’s Angel Reese and South Carolina’s Kamilla Cardoso are the biggest names heading into April’s draft.

Clark has yet to declare for the draft, but is the consensus No. 1 overall pick, according to multiple mock drafts. The owner of the NCAA women’s scoring record said she won’t make her decision until after the end of the collegiate season.

Brink, Cardoso and Reese could also return to college for the 2024-25 season.


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Alleged cheater facing charges at Mohegan Pennsylvania

PLAINS TOWNSHIP, LUZERNE COUNTY (WBRE/WYOU)— A man investigators say was cheating at the casino is now facing charges.

According to police, officers were called to Mohegan Pennsylvania at 4:30 a.m. Monday regarding a cheating incident.

Police said they spoke with employees and were told they saw 47-year-old Jianchu Liu acting suspiciously at a baccarat table. Upon reviewing the security footage, police noted Liu was adjusting what appeared to be a phone underneath the scorecards.

Body found in Wilkes-Barre home, investigation continues

After the dealer stopped shuffling and allowed Liu to cut the deck, surveillance video showed Liu moving the dealer’s hands around to “dictate how he [the dealer] should be holding the deck.”

Liu left the table after the shuffle and the dealer replaced the cards according to the affidavit.

Employees told police they searched their database and found that Liu was part of a team of Baccarat cheats and had been reported for cheating at two other casinos in Missouri.

Officers say they reviewed further surveillance of Liu in the casino and watched him do similar actions as he did at the previous table at another table within the casino.

Liu was charged with two counts of knowingly by trick/fraud/manipulation to win or reduce a loss. This charge is filed when players attempt to manipulate a card shoe by cutting the cards in a manner that would reveal the cards’ number or picture to help win.

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Breaking down the CIAC High School Boys Basketball tournament brackets

The CIAC unveiled its boys basketball tournament brackets Wednesday afternoon. Local teams East Catholic (Division I), Cromwell (IV) and Windsor Locks (V) were all champions last year and all could make another run to the finals, held at Mohegan Sun Arena March 16-17.

Here’s a quick look at each division and some of the local teams involved:

East Catholic's Brayden Jones (34) gets an uncontested dunk against Newington in a boys CCC semi-final game at the University of Hartford, West Hartford, Feb. 27, 2024. East Catholic won, 67-49 to advance to the championship game. Photo by Cloe Poisson/Special to the CourantEast Catholic’s Brayden Jones (34) gets an uncontested dunk against Newington in a boys CCC semi-final game at the University of Hartford, West Hartford, Feb. 27, 2024. East Catholic won, 67-49 to advance to the championship game. Photo by Cloe Poisson/Special to the Courant

Division I: Three-time defending Division I champion East Catholic is the fifth seed and will not have an easy first game. The Eagles, who will play for the CCC tournament championship against Windsor Thursday, will face 12th-seeded Staples in a second-round game March 7. Staples (17-5) was the fourth seed in the FCIAC tournament and beat No. 1 Ridgefield 73-57 in the semifinal. The Wreckers will play Trumbull for the conference tournament title Thursday.

Division II: Manchester has come a long way since last season when the Red Hawks were the 26th seed in Division II and lost in the first round to Staples. Manchester is the No. 1 seed and will play the winner of Hamden-RHAM on Wednesday in the second round. Manchester lost to Farmington, 68-61 in the CCC tournament quarterfinals. Windsor, which lost in the Division II quarterfinals last year to eventual champion St….

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Local Teams Eye Championship Glory

The Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Conference (CIAC) has officially unveiled the brackets for its highly anticipated boys basketball tournament, setting the stage for a series of thrilling matches that promise to captivate fans across the state. With the announcement, last year’s champions, East Catholic in Division I, Cromwell in Division IV, and Windsor Locks in Division V, are once again under the spotlight as they prepare to defend their titles and aim for another victorious run.


Championship Contenders and Key Matchups

In Division I, East Catholic is gearing up for a challenging face-off against Staples, having demonstrated their prowess by defeating top teams in their conference. Their performance has set high expectations for their potential advancement in the tournament. Meanwhile, Division II shines a light on Manchester as the top seed, marking a significant improvement from their previous season’s performance, with Windsor also emerging as a formidable contender. The competition intensifies in Division III, where SMSA holds the top seed and is anticipated to face tough competition right from the second round.

One of the most anticipated previews of a championship showdown could unfold in Division IV, where Morgan and Cromwell, both having showcased strong seasons, might clash in what promises to be a memorable match. Over in Division V, Windsor Locks is on a mission to defend its title, with its opening game against the winner of Litchfield-Kaynor Tech, highlighting the competitive spirit that defines this tournament.


Path to the Finals at Mohegan Sun Arena

The road to the finals, scheduled for March 16-17 at the iconic Mohegan Sun Arena, is fraught with challenges and opportunities for the participating teams. Each match in the tournament not only brings them a step closer to the championship but also showcases the depth of talent and teamwork within Connecticut’s high school…

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