
 Ayo Adebanjo: A Member Of The Dwindling Mohicans 

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Chief Ayo Adebanjo: A Member Of The Dwindling Mohicans, By Prof. Mike Ozekhome

This title of Michael Mann movie (released in 1992) and an earlier novel of the same name (released in 1826) is most apposite for our celebrant. As the title suggests, Chief Ayo Adebanjo is a member of the fast dwindling tribe of heroes. One of the very few last men standing. Yes, of a fast-depleting breed of nationalistsand ideologues, committed and principled politicianswho refuse to compromise or bend in tune with the latest fad – or the dictates of personal, parochial, ethnic or self-interest. 


His likes are, indeed, very hard to find in today’s Nigeria – a country of never ending oddities. Little wonder the encomiums which have been poured (and continue to be showered) on him on the occasion of his 96th birthday a few days ago – on the 10th of April, to be precise. That makes him a nonagenarian. Accordingly, this is as good an occasion as any to take stock and reflect on a life less ordinary: the remarkable times of a man of the world, who both defined and was defined by it. Here is a man who stood up to be counted. Here is a man of rare courage – a man of principle. A man for all seasons.


Given all of these, does the man, Chief Ayo Adebanjoreally need any introduction? What can be said about him that has not already been said – or, has he not said of himself in his biography “Tell It As It Is”?. What? Little, if anything, to be honest. Accordingly, I willonly dwell briefly on Chief’s glittering past and illustrious antecedents. Chief Ayo Adebanjo made his earthly debut on the 10th of April, 1928, in Ijebu-Igbo, in the South-West of Nigeria. His early life showed the promise of what was to come when he slapped a British colonial officer reportedly for lacking in manners, retorting audaciously: “Is that how you say ‘good morning’ in your country?”. That singular act of courage (some might call it foolhardiness) and his refusal to apologize cost Chief his job in the colonial civil service; and this has defined him ever since. 


Chief Adebanjo started life as a journalist with aregional newspaper before the lure of…

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The Oracle: Chief Ayo Adebanjo: A Member of the Dwindling Mohicans

By Mike Ozekhome


In the last episode of the piece, we posed the question: “Have we always been doomed” “We answered it by highlighting some notable achievements by eminent Nigerians. We then considered the notion of Nigeria as a failed state where insecurity reigns supreme. This is continued in this week’s episode, after which we lament the spectacle of a prostrate government followed by suggested panaceas including practicing true fiscal federalism. Read on.


Even in Uwheru, Oreba, Ovwor, Onicha-Olona and Abraka in Delta State; to Okpanku, Ozzala, UkpabiNimbo, Ngwoko, Ebor, Umuome, Ugwuijoro and Ugwuachara in Enugu State, the story is the same: gory and hideous blood-letting and festival of blood. The greatest worry of it all is that these killers are not ghosts or apparitions. They are known. They even come out openly, thump their chests, confess and own up to their criminal acts. The Herdsmen umbrella, Miyetti-Allah, claimed the blood-chilling murder of over 200 Plateau citizens was because 300 of its cows were rustled. It boasted that no one could have expected peace without retaliation, under such circumstances. The same group has, over time, infamously given various reasons for its herdsmen’s killings: Nimbo massacre, Enugu State (deadly attack): “we killed because they stole our cows”. Benue State (several progroms): “we killed because of anti-grazing law”. Taraba State (several): “we killed because they blocked our grazing routes”. Adamawa State (many Communities): “we killed because they broke our cow’s leg”. Zamfara State: “we killed because the farmers said we were grazing on their farm lands”. Haba!


For over seven years, there were no arrests, no prosecution, no arraignment, no convictions. Rather, some five Christians were arrested in Adamawa, tried and sentenced to death by hanging, for…

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Possession, Belongings, and Inheritance: Stockbridge-Munsee Community’s Approach to NAGPRA at Bard College

Center for Indigenous Studies Presents

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Blithewood Manor
6:00 pm – 7:00 pm EDT/GMT-4

By Bonney Hartley (Stockbridge-Munsee Mohican), Tribal Repatriation specialist for the Stockbridge-Munsee Mohican Nation.

It is invaluable to Tribal citizens to welcome home lost or looted family heirlooms as part of collective cultural heritage. Bonney Hartley, repatriation representative for Stockbridge-Munsee Community, will share insights from the community’s repatriation efforts in the region and highlight ways that the Tribal Historic Preservation Program has approached matters of possession and belonging in claiming items under the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA). The presentation will also offer recent insights and opportunities in light of the new NAGPRA regulations that took effect in January.
The Bard College Center for Indigenous Studies will host its inaugural symposium on Thursday, April 25, and Friday, April 26, at Bard College in Annandale-on-Hudson, New York. The symposium includes workshops, lectures, and discussions centered around Dr. Beth Piatote’s (Nez Perce enrolled Colville Confederated Tribes) brilliant play Antíkoni, an adaptation of Sophocles’ Antigone. Dr. Beth Piatote’s (Nez Perce enrolled Colville Confederated Tribes) play Antíkoni is from her collection The Beadworkers and was written in part while in residence as a fellow at Bard Graduate Center. Inspired by this work’s themes of possession, belonging, and inheritance, the Center for Indigenous Studies has invited speakers to discuss tribal preservation, NAGPRA (Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act), and the universality of the values that run through both Sophocles’ Antigone and Piatote’s adaptation.

For more information, call 845-758-6822, or e-mail [email protected].

View Press Release

Time: 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm EDT/GMT-4

Location: Blithewood Manor

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Examining 2020 Presidential Election voter turnout in Western Township of Milton: Precinct Milton 54

Abigail Roth 05/29/1992 26W240 Durfee Rd, Wheaton, IL 60189 Voted Abimbola Akinlawon 07/07/1975 311 Davis Ct, Wheaton, IL 60189 Voted Adam Edward Bihary 06/06/1983 26W360 Durfee Rd, Wheaton, IL 60189 Voted Adam Herrick Boyajian 06/18/1984 26W050 Mohican Dr, Wheaton, IL 60189 Voted Adam N. Calcagno 07/26/1990 2S122 Orchard Rd, Wheaton, IL 60189 Didn’t Vote Alan A. Hahn 12/11/1950 2S111 Apache Dr, Wheaton, IL 60189 Voted Albert F. Woo 05/08/1970 665 Maplewood Dr, Wheaton, IL 60189 Didn’t Vote Alberta L. Dichtl 11/28/1935 25W741 Durfee Rd, Wheaton, IL 60189 Voted Alejandro Edgar Pulido 01/01/2001 254 Oakwood Ct, Wheaton, IL 60189 Voted Alexander C. Argianas 11/04/1988 2S316 Burning Trail, Wheaton, IL 60189 Voted Alexander Clark 01/01/1990 26W135 Mohican Dr, Wheaton, IL 60189 Voted Alexander M. Sapone 06/30/1989 685 Grange Ct, Wheaton, IL 60189 Didn’t Vote Alexander S. Kollias 04/20/1986 25W767 Durfee Rd, Wheaton, IL 60189 Didn’t Vote Alison Sliwa 01/01/2001 26W143 Tomahawk Dr, Wheaton, IL 60189 Voted Allen B. Kautz 12/02/1949 26W265 Tomahawk Dr, Wheaton, IL 60189 Voted Allen Kou 07/01/1984 731 Grange Ct, Wheaton, IL 60189 Voted Amanda Hicks 01/01/1997 2S152 Apache Dr, Wheaton, IL 60189 Voted Amanda K. Wolski 11/24/1996 25W646 Towpath Ct, Wheaton, IL 60189 Didn’t Vote Amanda Knab 01/01/1985 331 Redwood Ct, Wheaton, IL 60189 Voted Amy Jean Bonselaar 06/12/1975 2S316 Arrowhead Dr, Wheaton, IL 60189 Voted Amy Kehoe 09/17/1957 26W164 Tomahawk Dr, Wheaton, IL 60189 Voted Ana J. Varela 01/09/1976 26W222 Tomahawk Dr, Wheaton, IL 60189 Voted Andrea L. Alvis 02/13/1955 1512 Waldorth Ct, Wheaton, IL 60189 Voted Andrea L. Larsen 04/16/1947 26W220 Durfee Rd, Wheaton, IL 60189 Voted Andrew T. Newman 01/01/1974 1540 Waldorth Ct, Wheaton, IL 60189 Voted Andrew Tobias 04/03/1980 2S076 Big Horn Dr, Wheaton, IL 60189 Voted Angela D. Westendorf 01/01/1950 25W644 Flint Creek Rd, Wheaton, IL 60189 Voted Angela T. Douglas 03/19/1985 26W100 Durfee Rd, Wheaton, IL 60189 Voted Angelia K. Green 07/26/1969 25W727 Chieftain Ln, Wheaton, IL 60189 Voted Anita Kou 01/01/1986 731 Grange Ct, Wheaton, IL 60189 Voted Ann M. Flechter 03/23/1947 331 Oakwood Ct, Wheaton, IL 60189 Voted Ann M. Schref 11/10/1955 2S337 Burning Trl, Wheaton, IL 60189 Voted Ann N. Williams 10/22/1956 742 Maplewood Dr, Wheaton, IL 60189 Voted Anna Green 01/01/1999 25W727 Chieftain Ln, Wheaton, IL 60189 Didn’t Vote Anne C. Haddad 09/24/1979 635 Elmwood Dr, Wheaton, IL 60189 Didn’t Vote Annette M. Flores 01/17/1963 1650 Waldorth Ct, Wheaton, IL 60189 Voted Anthony C. Parla 11/13/1951 2S330 Arrowhead Dr, Wheaton, IL 60189 Voted Anthony J. Corgiat 01/01/1997 26W271 Durfee Rd, Wheaton, IL 60189 Voted Anthony Michael Clausen 01/01/1985 2S168 Big Horn Dr, Wheaton, IL 60189 Voted April S. Hanstad 12/27/1957 26W227 Tomahawk Dr, Wheaton, IL 60189 Voted Arthur H. Grant 09/18/1944 26W177 Tomahawk Dr, Wheaton, IL 60189 Didn’t Vote Ashley Elaine Luse 02/17/1988 2S270 Arrowhead Dr, Wheaton, IL 60189 Voted Ashton McCartney 06/16/1992 2S052 Big Horn Dr, Wheaton,…

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Strumming all weekend long at Appalachian Acoustic Music Weekend

Roy King (left), Jeff Langworthy and JR Rhodebeck play a song during the open mic session at the Appalachian Acoustic Music Weekend on Friday at the Mohican Lodge and Convention Center. TOM E. PUSKAR/TIMES-GAZETTE.COM

Roy King (left), Jeff Langworthy and JR Rhodebeck play a song during the open mic session at the Appalachian Acoustic Music Weekend on Friday at the Mohican Lodge and Convention Center. TOM E. PUSKAR/TIMES-GAZETTE.COM

PERRYSVILLE – The annual three-day Appalachian Acoustic Music Weekend kicked off Friday evening at Mohican Lodge and Conference Center with an open mic stage.

The event includes acoustic music all weekend (jamming throughout the lodge) and country cooking in the dining room.

The movie “The Mountain Minor” was scheduled for 2 p.m. Saturday with a concert by April Verch at 8 p.m. Saturday. Sunday’s schedule was a gospel sing at 10:30 a.m.

Acoustic jamming all weekend.

All events are free and open to the public.

Pam Hunt plays a song on an autoharp during the open mic session at the Appalachian Acoustic Music Weekend at the Mohican Lodge and Convention Center. TOM E. PUSKAR/TIMES-GAZETTE.COMPam Hunt plays a song on an autoharp during the open mic session at the Appalachian Acoustic Music Weekend at the Mohican Lodge and Convention Center. TOM E. PUSKAR/TIMES-GAZETTE.COM

Pam Hunt plays a song on an autoharp during the open mic session at the Appalachian Acoustic Music Weekend at the Mohican Lodge and Convention Center. TOM E. PUSKAR/TIMES-GAZETTE.COM

This article originally appeared on Ashland Times Gazette: Mohican Lodge sets up state for Appalachian Acoustic Music

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Property transfers: Ashland County sales range from $15K to $330K

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‘We’re the last of the Mohicans … but it’s becoming harder’, says owner of Dublin pub selling €5 pints

Pauric Tighe, originally from Virginia in Co Cavan, has worked in Downey’s Bar in Cabra since his father took it over back in 2002.

Walking into the local, you’ll see a collage of photos of loyal customers, framed pictures of the Downey’s crowd with an Irish flag at Italia 90, cheques of donations they raised for Temple Street Children’s Hospital, and an Elvis Presley flag.

‘We’re the last of the Mohicans, it’s becoming harder,’ says Cabra pub owner trying to keep pints at Cavan prices

You’ll also find a Guinness Six Nations flag with a €5 sign stuck to it, letting people know that Downey’s is one of the few pubs in the capital that still sells it at that price.

But as Diageo continues to raise the price of their alcohol, it’s becoming more and more difficult to keep the pint at a reasonable price.

“We’re the last of the Mohicans, it’s becoming harder,” Mr Tighe told the Irish Independent.

“It’s good to be competitive, but we’re unique, this pub can’t be replicated anywhere else. It’s mostly due to the people who come in here, not us. They’re what make Downey’s, Downey’s.

“We’ve photographs of the customers and memorial cards of our past customers behind the bar. If these types of pubs close, they’ll only be replaced by Starbucks or some sort of coffee shop. This pub is unique to this area.

“We’re trying to get people to come out, not sit and drink at home. We’re saying we’re €5 a pint, why not give us a go one night a week, that’s our offering to people.

“Our customers are locals here in Cabra East. They’re all over the walls. This is a local Cabra pub, having decent prices encourages people to come out.

“That’s what we want, there’s no point in having an expensive drink and an empty…

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We Bet You Didn’t Know These Rural Greater Cleveland Destinations Even Existed

7 Incredible Rural Places To Visit Near Cleveland, Ohio [] >e/4).toString(16)})};e.config=i||{},e.config.apiKey=o,e.config.workspaceId=n,e.config.environment=e.config.environment||”production”,(window.crypto||window.msCrypto)&&(e.config.viewId=t());for(var g=[“addon”,”identify”,”track”,”trigger”,”query”,”segment”,”segments”,”ready”,”on”,”once”,”user”,”consent”],r=0;r { if(!response.ok){ throw new Error(‘Comscore – Error OK. ‘ + response.status); } return response.json() }) .then(response => { const { vnd_prx_segments } = response.targeting if(!vnd_prx_segments){ console.log(‘Comscore – No Targeting Info: ‘); console.log(vnd_prx_segments); }else if( vnd_prx_segments.includes(‘999997’) || vnd_prx_segments.includes(‘999998’) || vnd_prx_segments.includes(‘999999’) ){ console.log(‘Comscore – Error code 999997: If the account is not authorized to query the passed URL’); console.log(‘Comscore – Error code 999998: If the URL has been sent for crawling/analysis. Subsequent calls to the API for the same page, will yield segments.’); console.log(‘Comscore – Error code 999999: If the URL is unreachable or cannot be categorized’); console.log(vnd_prx_segments); }else{ window.googletag.cmd.push(() => { window.googletag.pubads().setTargeting(‘vnd_prx_segments’, vnd_prx_segments) window.googletag.pubads().enableSingleRequest() window.googletag.enableServices() }); console.log(‘Comscore – Success ‘); } }) .catch(error => { console.log(‘Comscore – Error: ‘); console.log(error); }); console.log(‘fnComscore_googleTargetingData ended’); } fnComscore_googleTargetingData(); ]]> Continue reading