
Xbox Series S/X Getting Reduced Bootup Animation, Cold Startup Times

Microsoft is reportedly rolling out a test build for Xbox Dashboard that is claimed to reduce the cold boot startup times by up to 5 seconds. The Redmond company has seemingly achieved this feat by shortening the bootup animation to about 4 seconds. A report mentions that this change will purportedly only be noticeable if the console has been set to the Energy Saver mode. Earlier this year, Microsoft reportedly made the Energy Saver mode the default option for Xbox consoles.

Director Integrated Marketing for Xbox Josh Munsee confirmed the update after a keen-eyed Xbox tester noticed the changes. Munsee claims that the bootup animation was reduced to around 4 seconds from the original 9 seconds to improve the overall boot times.

A report by The Verge mentions that Xbox Series S/X owners will supposedly only be able to benefit from this update if they set their consoles to Energy Saver mode. Unlike the Standby mode, the Energy Saver mode completely powers down the console. This mode is said to be energy efficient, albeit at the cost of boot times.

The new Xbox Dashboard update from Microsoft is said to cut the cold boot times to around 15 seconds from around 20 seconds. This improvement is expected to improve the appeal of the Energy Saving mode to gamers. The company has made the Energy Saver mode the default option for Xbox consoles. It also added support for background update downloads with this mode.

Microsoft has not year revealed when this new feature might enjoy a wider release.

In related news, the Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S consoles in India have seen around a 6 percent jump in its price. They are reportedly…

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Xbox Series X/S Get Shorter Boot Time in Latest Update

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Xbox Series X update will bring boot-up speeds closer to PS5 and Nintendo Switch

Xbox Insiders are discovering their consoles’ boot times have drastically improved in the latest build of the program.

The Insider program on Xbox Series X|S gives members the chance to road test new features early before they’re released to the public. And it’s Xbox director of integrated marketing, Josh Munsee himself, who revealed that the latest build has targeted faster boot times (thanks, The Shortcut (opens in new tab)).

Munsee replied to Xbox engineering lead Eden Marie on Twitter (opens in new tab), who had noticed the improvement on their console. He explains that the secret lies in a shorter boot animation that shaves off around five seconds total. 

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Give it the boot

This update might not seem particularly significant at first glance. Especially if (like me) you tend to leave your Xbox Series X|S in standby mode instead of shutting it down.

I think it’s a very welcome update, though. The boot animation we have right now is a bit too lavish for its own good, and only really impressive when you turn the console on for the very first time. 

Both the PS5 and the Nintendo Switch‘s boot times are currently much snappier by comparison. And this smart Xbox update will help the console close the gap in that regard, if only by a few seconds.

It seems that Microsoft has duly noted that most gamers want to access their Xbox dashboards as swiftly as possible. And getting to it five seconds quicker is a better quality-of-life update than you might think.

On the one hand, Xbox’s standby features are excellent time savers. Quick…

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Xbox Boot Times Are Being Sped Up By Microsoft

Twitter: @VGChartz

Microsoft is reducing the time it takes for its Xbox consoles to power up.

The cold boot startup time for Xbox Series X/S consoles has been decreased by about 5 seconds in the most recent Xbox Insider test releases of the Xbox dashboard.

Video Courtesy to MEME Lord YT Channel | Xbox Microsoft

Microsoft was able to shorten the bootup animation and speed up the start process.

One of Microsoft’s primary marketing strategies for the most recent console has always been to emphasize the Xbox Series X boot time. But for now, the business wants to improve it. Recently, Xbox testers started noting the quicker boot time. Microsoft didn’t officially acknowledge it until last Friday, though.

The business has improved the boot-up time, according to a tweet posted on Friday by Josh Munsee, director of Xbox integrated marketing. Munsee claims that Microsoft accomplished this by shortening the boot animation. The previous animation lasted about nine seconds, whereas the current one lasts about four.

Microsoft has reduced the animation by about five seconds, which has shortened the Xbox Series X boot time. However, the boot-up was already speedy. Therefore, there isn’t a significant difference in the upgrading between the newer and older Xbox consoles. But if you frequently use your Xbox, you should still be able to tell.

Twitter: @A3rnout

Microsoft acknowledged the modifications on Friday. Recently, Xbox testers noted a quicker bootup speed. The business “developed a shorter boot up animation (4s) from the original boot up animation (9s), helping to lower the overall starting time,” according to Josh Munsee, director of Xbox integrated marketing.

Additionally, the modifications are not just for Xbox Series X or S consoles….

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Microsoft confirms reduction in time to start Xbox Series X and S

At best deals,
no tail tied

Microsoft is working on streamlining the time it takes to launch both the Xbox Series X and Series S. Some users of Xbox Insiders, a program that lets gamers test features before they reach the public, have noticed this. After some questions on Twitter, Josh Munsee, the company’s integrated marketing director, confirmed the news.

Xbox Series S + Series XXbox Series S + Series XXbox Series S + Series X (Image: Vitor Pádua/Tecnoblog)

Currently, if you don’t leave your console on standby, it takes about 9 seconds between turning it on and opening the Xbox dashboard. The change Microsoft is working on is intended to reduce that time to four seconds. Undoubtedly, a big difference.

This was announced in a response to a tweet from a member of the Xbox Insiders program. In the reply, Josh Munsee pointed out the difference:

I can confirm – I worked with @harrisonhoffman and @jakerose27 to create a shorter start animation (~4s) than the original (~9s), helping to reduce the overall start time.

Free translation of Josh Munsee’s tweet

As it is still part of a test wave, there is still no information on when Microsoft will make this news available to the public. In my opinion, I always get excited when load times or the like are shortened. Therefore, I consider this addition to be very welcome.

Discord is also coming to Xbox consoles

Another cool…

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Xbox Series X and S Boot Up 5 Seconds Faster Following Update

Gamers are about to get some of their valuable time back. 

Microsoft confirmed on Saturday that its Xbox Series X and Series S consoles will now boot faster thanks to a speedier startup animation. The changes improve boot times by 5 seconds.

Xbox’s director of integrated marketing Josh Munsee tweeted about the improvement over the weekend. 

Last-generation Xbox One consoles will speed up as well, according to Xbox senior product manager Jake Rosenberg, who tweeted: “Not only is the animation shorter, but Xbox One generation consoles are booting noticeably faster with these changes!”

Right now, these improvements are available to members of the Xbox Insider program. The program gives Xbox owners access to updates before they go live to the broader public.

Xbox Series X and S owners can set their consoles to two different standby modes. One is energy-saving, which turns off the console completely. The other is an instant-on mode, leaving the console on but at a low-energy state. Before the energy-saving mode change, the console bootup took 20 seconds, but the new update brought that down to 15. Instant-on, as the name suggests, would load up an Xbox almost instantly.

The company made improvements to energy-saving mode earlier this year, allowing gamers to download games in the background. Energy-saving mode also became the default option for owners setting up a new Xbox back in March.

The Natural Resources Defense Council, a nonprofit environmental advocacy organization, said in a report last year that Xbox’s low-power standby mode would cost American owners an…

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Xbox Series X and Series S now boot faster

The Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S already boot quite fast thanks to their internal solid-state drives, but Microsoft has made some tweaks to make it even faster. Noted by Josh Munsee, who is an Xbox Integrated Marketing Director, boot times are now even shorter on the next-gen consoles thanks to a short boot animation (via The Verge.)

More technically, Microsoft has reduced the bootup animation time on the consoles by 5 seconds with a recent Xbox Insider Build. As seen in Munsee’s tweet above, the new boot animation is less than 4 seconds, whereas the previous one was about 9 seconds. It is important to note though, that this only applies if your Xbox is in Energy Saver mode, where it always fully turns off, instead of being in standby. Check it out in the video below from a fellow Xbox user.

The Verge’s Tom Warren actually put this to the test and believes that the Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S now cold boot in 15 seconds, instead of 20 seconds. It’s not clear which Xbox Insider build applied this update, but some people still have additional feedback for Microsoft, like muting the boot animation noise. Let us know what you think in the comments below.

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Xbox Series X|S boot up now five seconds faster

Josh Lopez | July 25, 2022Xbox Series X|S boot up now five seconds faster

Microsoft has reduced the boot-up time of the Xbox Series X|S consoles.

Noticing a faster boot-up on your Xbox Series X|S console? That’s because Microsoft just improved the speed with a pretty simple fix.

According to Josh Munsee, the director of Xbox Integrated Marketing, the boot sequence is now a whole five seconds faster. That’s thanks to a shorter boot-up animation. The company has reduced the animation from nine seconds to just four seconds.

Munsee confirmed the news via Twitter:

@neonepiphany Can confirm – worked with @harrisonhoffman and @jakerose27 to create a shorter boot up animation (~4s) from the original boot up animation (~9s), helping to reduce the overall startup time.Image

According to The Verge:

Xbox Series X / S owners will only benefit from the speedier boot times if they have their consoles set to Energy Saver mode instead of Standby mode. Energy Saver mode means the console fully powers off, instead of entering a standby state. This means you can’t power on the console and immediately start playing, but Energy Saver is friendlier for electricity bills and the planet.

This update means that the overall boot-up time will drop from 20 seconds to 15 seconds for Xbox Series X|S consoles that are set to Energy Saver Mode instead of Standby Mode.

Tags: Josh Munsee, The Verge, Twitter, Xbox Series S, Xbox Series X hardware specs, Xbox Series X optimized

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Microsoft speeds up Xbox boot times by more than 50% in latest update

Microsoft is speeding up the Xbox Series X boot time, the director of Xbox has confirmed. The latest Xbox console has always featured a faster boot time than its predecessors. However, now, users can boot up their console up to five seconds faster. There is a catch, though, as you’ll need to use the Energy Saver mode to activate it.

Microsoft is upgrading the Xbox Series X boot time

Xbox-Series-X-ControllerImage source: Microsoft

The Xbox Series X boot time has always been one of Microsoft’s biggest advertising pushes for the latest console. Now, though, the company is looking to make it better. Xbox testers began noticing the faster boot time recently. However, Microsoft didn’t confirm it until last Friday.

Josh Munsee, director of Xbox integrated marketing, tweeted on Friday that the company has improved the boot-up time. Munsee says that Microsoft did this by creating a shorter boot up animation. The new animation is roughly four seconds, whereas the original lasted around nine seconds.

Trimming down the animation has allowed Microsoft to speed up the Xbox Series X boot time by around five seconds. The boot-up was already quick, though. So, the upgrade isn’t as big of a difference between the newer and the older Xbox consoles. But it should still be noticeable if you use your Xbox a lot.

The catch

reach the Xbox series X menu faster with faster boot timeYou can get to your games quicker with the upgraded boot animation on Xbox Series X/S. Image source: Microsoft

While the boot-up process has received a speedy upgrade, the difference won’t be apparent unless you’re using the console’s Energy Save mode. Energy Saver completely turns off the console, allowing you to conserve energy. You won’t see the faster…

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Microsoft just sped up the Xbox Series S and X boot time

The Xbox Series X is now officially faster compared to the PlayStation 5. But, before you get the pitchforks, hear us out first.

The current Xbox Insider build cuts down the console’s boot time by as much as 25% if not more.

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Microsoft just sped up the Xbox Series S and X boot timeMicrosoft just sped up the Xbox Series S and X boot time

Over the past few days, Xbox testers noticed their bootup times getting faster. Eventually, Microsoft fessed up and admitted that they tweaked something. Josh Munsee, director of Xbox integrated marketing, confirmed that the company did some backend work to shorten the boot up animation from 9 seconds down to 4 seconds.

Mind you, the changes aren’t limited to Microsoft’s latest consoles.

Senior product manager lead at Xbox, Jake Rosenberg, explained in a follow-up tweet that Xbox One owners should have their consoles booting up faster. Unfortunately, Xbox owners will only feel the shorter boot times if they have their consoles set to Energy Saver mode. Unlike with Standby mode, Energy Saver mode fully powers off the console. This way, the console doesn’t consume any electricity at all.

In total, the Xbox Series S/X boot process should now only take around 15 seconds instead of the usual 20. If you weren’t a huge fan of the Energy…

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