
Black Hawk Rock: Part 2

In 1882 a second edition of the autobiography was published by Patterson.

The newly-added appendix contained Black Hawk’s account of his visits to Shokokon, the area that is now called Burlington, Iowa:

“A new village had been started at Shokokon (Flint Hills) by the whites, and some of its people have already built good houses, but the greater number are still living in log cabins. They should have retained its Indian name, Shokokon, as our people have spent many happy days in this village.

“Here too, we had our council house in which the braves of the Sac nation have assembled many times to listen to my words of counsel. It was situated in a secluded but romantic spot in the midst of the bluffs, not far from the river, and on frequent occasions, when it became necessary to send out parties to make war on the Sioux to redress our grievances, I have assembled my braves here to give them counsel before starting on the warpath.

“And here, too, we have often met when starting out in the fall for our fall and winter’s hunt, to counsel in regard to our several locations for the winter. In those days the Fur Company had a trading house here and the only neighbors were the resident Indians of Tama’s town, located a few miles above on the river.”

Black Hawk, however, did not just counsel for war against the Sioux. In the spring of 1832 Black Hawk began to gather followers near present day Fort Madison, Iowa.

Black Hawk had been told that the British would send him weapons and supplies and that the other tribes would come to his aid.

He planned to return to Illinois and retake his homeland which he believed, for good reason, was wrongly…

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Daryl Justin Finizio, a Westerly High School graduate, former Westerly Town Council member, and former Mayor of New London, has joined the law firm of Urso, Liguori & Michlich as a partner.

Deidra Hall of Pawcatuck was a member of the Cedarville University’s Forensic team that won a speech and debate competition at Denison University. Hall is a member of the class of 2026 majoring in psychology. 

The following local students were inducted into the Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi: Jasmine Babbitt of Charlestown, at the University of Rhode Island; and Johnna Devereaux of Richmond at the University of Bridgeport.

Bill Smith of Stonington, Kathleen Gioffre and Mike Scarpa of Mystic, and Judy Leonard of Noank were appointed to three-year terms on the Mystic & Noank Library board of trustees. Mary Tullis Engvall of Noank and Caitlin McEachern Wroblewski of Mystic are co-presidents of the board.

Rep. Megan Cotter has been selected as a member of the Council of State Government’s 2024 “20 under 40,” which honors 20 up-and-coming elected and appointed leaders from across the United States. Cotter will be recognized for the award in a ceremony during the council’s 2024 national conference, to be held Dec. 4 to 7 in New Orleans.

Connor Harris of Mystic was inducted into the Psi Chi International Honor Society in Psychology at Assumption University. Harris is a member of the class of 2027 at Assumption.

Alexandra Perlorca of West Kingston was inducted into the honor society of Phi Kappa Phi at University of Rhode Island

The Greater Mystic Chamber of Commerce Community & Tourism award winners for 2024 are Richard A. “Skip” Hayward, who will receive the inaugural Joyce Olson Resnikoff Tourism Legacy Award; Bethany Perkins and Eric Myer, Joyce Olson Resnikoff Tourism Award;…

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Catskills casino could infringe on Aqueduct

For many years, New York City-area gambling afficionados have always had to make a trip to New Jersey or Connecticut to hit the slots or the craps table.

Now, they suddenly may have multiple options.

Just as work is beginning on Resorts World New York, the casino featuring 4,500 video lottery terminals at Aqueduct Race Track, Gov. Paterson announced he had signed an agreement with the Wisconsin-based Stockbridge-Munsee Band of Mohicans to take a portion of land in Monticello, Sullivan County, into trust, which would enable the tribe to build a casino complex there.

If approved, the casino would not only compete with those in Atlantic City or eastern Connecticut, but the one opening in Queens in the spring.

Under the deal made with Paterson, the tribe will end its claim to 23,000 acres in Madison County, in central New York, and receive 330 acres in Sullivan County, where the tribe has already said it is interested in building a casino.

Genting New York, the developer of the Aqueduct casino, recently paid the state a fee of $380 million for the right to build a gambling facility, presumably with the idea that it would not face any immediate competition.

The Mohican deal would still have to be approved by the federal Department of Interior, which is not guaranteed. The agency denied a similar proposal in 2008 struck by then-Gov. Eliot Spitzer and the St. Regis Mohawk Tribe, also in Sullivan County.

Stefan Friedman, a Genting representative, said the company would not comment in depth about the Stockbridge-Munsee agreement, but did add, “Before taking any other actions, the state — including the Lottery, the attorney general, the comptroller and the budget director — should fully assess the economic and legal impact of this decision.”

State Sen. Joe Addabbo Jr. (D-Howard Beach)…

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Dietitian Marley Fisher brings Indigenous food to new sites

When Marley Fisher’s three-year-old daughter asked her to pick up ingredients for corn soup at the grocery store, she unknowingly highlighted the gaps that still exist for Indigenous Peoples. 

“White hominy corn, used in the traditional Indigenous dish corn soup, is difficult to get,” said Fisher, a registered dietitian from Munsee-Delaware Nation and a graduate of the foods and nutrition program now housed within the Brescia School of Food and Nutritional Sciences at Western University.  

As a dietitian serving Chippewas of the Thames First Nation and one of the few Indigenous dietitians in the region, Fisher is aware of the barriers Indigenous Peoples face in accessing traditional foods. 

“We have to bring white corn in from other communities as it isn’t available in local grocery stores. But it makes you think, why isn’t it?” 


Identifying gaps in Indigenous health 

Born and raised in Munsee-Delaware Nation, Fisher became interested in food and nutrition after a high school course introduced her to the relationship between food and the body.  

“I never thought about how food affected me until that class, where I learned what happens to our bodies after we eat certain things.” 

Marley Fisher

Marley Fisher

Fisher went on to Brescia University College, where she earned a bachelor of science in food and nutrition in 2017, followed by a dietetic education and practical training diploma in 2019. The one-year professional, post-graduate program – now part of Western’s Faculty of Health Sciences – prepares students for the Canadian Dietetic Registration Exam.  

After passing the exam in 2020, Fisher began working as a community dietitian on Chippewas of the Thames First Nation. In this role, she offers nutrition counselling services and nutrition and diabetes programming with an Indigenous lens. 

“I wanted to work as a community…

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OU Health Sciences to use $50,000 grant to connect Native American prisoners of war descendants

The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center will use a $50,000 grant to bring together descendants of 72 Native Americans held captive in St. Augustine, Florida from 1875 to 1878.

The project, “Calling Back the Spirits: A Healing Journey,” hopes to uncover more oral history of the experiences of those held as prisoners of war and what happened after release.

The National Endowment for the Humanities donated the funds for OUHSC to hold a three-day convening of tribal leaders, scholars, museum professionals and descendants of Native American prisoners of war from Fort Marion in St. Augustine, also known as Castillo de San Marcos, to discuss experiences stemming from captivity.

Dolores Subia Bigfoot, a child psychologist by training and a presidential professor who directs the Indian Country Child Trauma Center within the Center on Child Abuse and Neglect at OUHSC, is the principal investor for the grant.

“What we’re doing is bringing together as many descendants of these 72 POWs that went to Fort Marion 150 years ago,” Bigfoot said. “And to some of them, some of the families have stories. Some of them don’t have very much information.”

The convening is set to take place from March 25 to 27 at OUHSC in Oklahoma City. The funds granted will pay for mileage, hotel rooms and supplies.

“We want to give people an opportunity to come together in an event that hasn’t occurred before, and to gather any oral stories not necessarily about Fort Marion, but just their own experiences,” Bigfoot said. “And also to do the convening in such a way that is not re-traumatizing, but that we have some healing aspects that will be comforting and reassuring and soothing as we go through this process.”

Bigfoot said the convening is…

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Indigenous communities in Virginia are reclaiming their Algonquian language

Among the stalls of Indigenous artwork and a storytelling booth at the Rappahannock Tribe Pow Wow, Kayla Locklear and her seven-year-old daughter Hanna sit under a canopy at a table with boxes of crayons and a stack of illustrations for kids to take and color. There is an ear of corn, a cucumber, a stream and a bird. But there’s something under the illustrations that catch the eye and your phone.

“QR codes so that they can listen to the words in our Powhatan Algonquian language,” Locklear points out.

While parents struggle to get kids off their phones and into tribal activities, the QR codes are a way to redirect kids to learn about their cultures and their language.

“That’s the good thing about it,” Locklear says. “The parents can get involved. So, they take these sheets with them and then they can listen to it and practice and get more familiar.”

Locklear is a citizen of the Chickahominy Tribe and their language program manager. Her Tribe is part of a group of eight state and federally-recognized Tribes in Virginia slowly recovering the Algonquian language their ancestors once spoke. And the program has an Algonquian name.

“Omisun, which means the awakening. One of the things that we really try to get across to our communities is that our language is not dead but it’s just sleeping and we are awakening it.”

How was the language lost?

“As some of our community members from Nansemond said, we are where the boat landed. So, our tribes took a direct hit for Indian country really,” Locklear explains. “To survive, we assimilated. So one of those things was learning English and a loss of a lot of our language. But that’s one of the things that we…

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Panama Announces Honor, Merit Rolls

PANAMA – Panama Central School officials recently released the school’s honor and merit rolls for the first quarter of the 2024-25 school year. They are:


12th Grade: Gavin Anderson, Alexander Barmore, Lillian Borowski, Carter Brink, Isaiah Burkholder, Spencer Carlson, Tate Catanese, Deidre Cavness, Kirsten Chase, Emma Cooper, Ava Ecker, Logan Ellsworth, Tess Flikkema, Xander Gould, Payton Gunnell, Bryce Hinsdale, Kaitlyn Horton, Izabella Hurlburt, Michael Johnson, Cassandra Lyon, Richard Lyon, Owen Martin, Jordan Mescall, Arehlyn Pattison, Kolten Rhoades, Blayne Rumaihi, Katelyn Schroder, Emmett Sheldon, Brody Stravato, Hannah Taft.

11th Grade: Abigail Bullaro, Lincoln Gibbs, Sarah Golden, Elliott Gonzalez, Andrew Hammond, Kiersten Olson, Autumn Rumaihi, Jackson Scolton, Laura Warner, Brooke Warner, Mason Weber.

10th Grade: Aniela Becker, Connor Horner, Haven Karlson, Jessica Lyon, Jack Martin, MacKenzie Miles.

Ninth Grade: Andrew Apthorpe, Alexis Becker, Lucy Bullaro, Oliver Burgeson, Emma Ferguson, Ella Lawson, Kaden Lisciandro, Alexzander Lombardo, Levi Munsee, Nathan Ruch, Samuel Ryan.

Eighth Grade: Jackson Kaltenbach, McKenna Kolstee, Brayton Lutton, Malory Munson, Matthew Pearson.

Seventh Grade: Aubree Adams, Angelina Braun, Layla Brewer, Sophia Carlson-Brandi, Leah Chase, Victoria Lombardo, Grace Munsee, Marlie Seekings, Daisy Sheldon.


12th Grade: Kadyn Abers, Jack Ayres, Ronin Burham, Angelise Campbell, Cole Johnson, Reese McGaffick, Emily Roberts, Collin Ryan, Sean Slagle, Andrew Spiesman.

11th Grade: Michael Horton, Ava Lawson, Kiera Loberg, Johnathan Lyon, Sawyer Ramsey, Reese Short.

10th Grade: Johnathyn Abers, Jackson Burham, Kody Howard, Owen Johnson, Ryan Smith, Michael Spiesman, Avery Taft, Abbigail Trusler, Toby Watson.

Ninth Grade: Lisanna Campbell, Ethan Ecker, Arick Feldt, Kiedon Graves, Marley Kelwaski, Aiden Langworthy, Angelynn Mitchell, Konner Morgan, Jaden Thayer, Norah Weaver.

Eighth Grade: Andrei Braun, Alexander Braun, Wyatt Braun, Gavyn Chwazik, Evan Conklin, Mia Coon, Payton Harle, Chloe Hosier, Zadok Hughesman, Luke Martin, Johnathon Miles, Zachary Odell, Stephen Raynor, Mallorie Seekings.

Seventh Grade:…

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Indigenous communities in Virginia are reclaiming their Algonquian language

Among the stalls of Indigenous artwork and a storytelling booth at the Rappahannock Tribe Pow Wow, Kayla Locklear and her seven-year-old daughter Hanna sit under a canopy at a table with boxes of crayons and a stack of illustrations for kids to take and color. There is an ear of corn, a cucumber, a stream and a bird. But there’s something under the illustrations that catch the eye and your phone.

Kayla Locklear and her 7-year-old daughter Hanna demonstrate using the QR code on coloring pages Algonquian language learning they handed out during the Rappahannock Indian Tribe Pow Wow. Kayla Locklear and her 7-year-old daughter Hanna demonstrate using the QR code on coloring pages Algonquian language learning they handed out during the Rappahannock Indian Tribe Pow Wow.

“QR codes so that they can listen to the words in our Powhatan Algonquian language,” Locklear points out.

While parents struggle to get kids off their phones and into tribal activities, the QR codes are a way to redirect kids to learn about their cultures and their language.

“That’s the good thing about it,” Locklear says. “The parents can get involved. So, they take these sheets with them and then they can listen to it and practice and get more familiar.”

Locklear is a citizen of the Chickahominy Tribe and their language program manager. Her Tribe is part of a group of eight state and federally-recognized Tribes in Virginia slowly recovering the Algonquian language their ancestors once spoke. And the program has an Algonquian name.

“Omisun, which means the awakening. One of the things that we really try to get across to our communities is that our language is not dead but it’s just sleeping and we are awakening it.”

How was the language lost?

“As some of our community members from Nansemond said,…

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Tabitha Lee YohliwakaYu Ireland 1983 2024, death notice, Canada

Browse the obituary of residing in the province of Ontario for funeral details

Obituary of Tabitha Lee Ireland
Peacefully in her sleep on Tuesday, November 19, 2024, Tabitha Lee Ireland “Yohliwaka:yu”, of Munsee-Delaware Nation / Oneida Nation Bear Clan, in her 42nd year, began her journey to the spirit world.
Yohliwaka:yu loved her son, Dyson Lee Kechego dearly, who was her everything, the light of her life, who kept her going.
The cherished daughter of Lee Snake and the late Michele Louise Marie Snake (nee Ireland – 2013), Yohliwaka:yu loved living life, as the adventurous, free-spirited, daughter she was.
As the oldest sister to Rebecca Lee “Kuwawi” Ireland, and Francesca Lea “Kah^tiyos:tha” Snake (“Tiyo”) Yohliwaka:yu loved spending as much time as possible with family. She loved having meals together and Chinese food was her favourite.
Yohliwaka:yu will be greatly missed as special Aunty to “Cash” (Cassius), and adopted nieces and nephews,
Lilly, Emma, Hunter, Jacob, Houston, Lucas, and Winter, as well as Gregory, Travis, Sara, and Kyle Schoelier, and loved as “Mama Tabi” to Lauryn.
She was a dog lover and adored her protector, “Bowser”, and her fury nieces and nephew.
Yohliwaka:yu is survived by many Aunts, Uncles. cousins and friends.
Dear grand-daughter of Donna Schuyler, Yohliwaka:yu will be lovingly greeted by her Grandmother, Ina Henry, as she “goes home” to the spirit world.
Friday, November 22, 2024, after 3:00pm, family and friends will be received at the Oneida Longhouse on River Road, where the evening wake will also be held, and the funeral Saturday, November 23, 2024, at 11:00am. Afterwards, the Interment will be held at 400 Thomigo Road, Muncey, and a meal to follow at the Munsee-Delaware Nation Community Centre.
Arrangements entrusted to Elliott-Madill Funeral Home Ltd.

1983 2024

elliott-madill funeral homes

Death notice for the…

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