
Seen at the polls: First time voter, Trump ‘MAGA’ fans and an abortion rights supporter

At age 76, Faye Gandy of Nanticoke voted for the first time Tuesday.

She visited the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers training center to cast her ballot for Vice President Kamala Harris to be the next president of the United States.

“I am kind of excited over this, maybe because of her. I’m 76, I just want to do it at least once to see what it’s about,” said Gandy, who registered to vote as a Republican last year, noting she didn’t know what party she belonged to until looking at her registration card Tuesday. “It’s not just because she’s a woman. I like what she says. I don’t like some of the things Trump says.”

High voter turnout and enthusiasm were reported throughout the Wyoming Valley, many inspired to vote in the race between Harris, the Democrat, and former President Donald Trump, the Republican.

  • Ed Harry, 78, of Plymouth

    Ed Harry, 78, of Plymouth

  • Adrian Smiley, 36, of Newport Twp.

    Adrian Smiley, 36, of Newport Twp.

  • David Garrity, 74, of Wilkes-Barre

    David Garrity, 74, of Wilkes-Barre

  • Faye Gandy, 76, of Nanticoke, a first time voter

    Faye Gandy, 76, of Nanticoke, a first time voter

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Ed Harry, 78, of Plymouth


Ed Harry, 78, a longtime local Democrat and union leader who has supported Trump since 2016, voted for the former president at the 109th Field Artillery Armory in Plymouth wearing a “MAGA” hat standing for Trump’s vow to “Make America Great Again.”

He said Trump represented the working class these days like the Democrats did in the past.

Plus, the administration of President Joe Biden and Harris has been a failure, Harry said.

“The last four years have been horrendous. Inflation is terrible. I don’t…

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State’s survey of juvenile striped bass shows low spawning count for sixth consecutive year

The Maryland Department of Natural Resources announced results of this year’s juvenile striped bass survey, which tracks the reproductive success of Maryland’s state fish in the Chesapeake Bay. The 2024 young-of-year index is 2.0, well below the long-term average of 11.0, and marks the sixth consecutive year of poor reproduction.

“These results underscore the complexity of managing a coastal migratory species whose life-cycle is influenced by environmental conditions during a brief spawning period,” said Maryland DNR Fishing and Boating Services Director Lynn Fegley.

“We will continue to explore ways to conserve and enhance the spawning population during this time when we are adding fewer young fish to the population.”

During this annual survey, fishery managers examine 22 sites located in four major striped bass spawning areas: the Choptank, Nanticoke, and Potomac rivers, and the upper Chesapeake Bay. Biologists visit each site three times per summer, collecting fish with two sweeps of a 100-foot beach seine net. The index represents the average number of young-of-year striped bass found in each sample. The juvenile striped bass  average less than 3 inches long and are not usually encountered by anglers.

Similar fish surveys conducted this summer in the Patapsco, Magothy, Rhode, West, Miles, and Tred Avon rivers found fewer striped bass, also known as rockfish.

Biologists captured more than 56,000 fish of 56 different species while conducting this year’s survey. Encouraging results were documented regarding two species lower on the food chain. Menhaden abundance was nearly equal to last year, which was the highest measured since 1990. Spot abundance was the highest measured since 1988.

These species are vital to the ecology of the Bay as a food source for many other species of fish and wildlife.

Efforts to rebuild the Atlantic Coast population of striped bass have been ongoing for several years. Although…

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Richard W. Neyhard

Richard W. Neyhard OBITUARY

Richard W. Neyhard, 58, a resident of Nanticoke, formerly of North Wilkes-Barre, died Friday, July 28, 2017, at Hahnemann Medical Center, Philadelphia, following a lengthy illness.

Rick was well known as a broadcaster and was called D.J. Rockin’ Rick professionally.

Rick was born in Wilkes-Barre, son of the late Robert and Doris Jones Neyhard, and was a graduate of James M. Coughlin High School, Class of 1976. He also earned an associate degree at Penn State Wilkes-Barre.

He and his brother, Rob Neyhard, were the owners/operators of WBRX radio station, Berwick, for some time. He also performed as a disc jockey at various venues for some time. He had worked at CEL Tube and, later, at CVS Caremark, both in Hanover Twp.

He was a member of Fraternal Order of Eagles Nest 834, Nanticoke, and St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, Alden Station.

He was a fanatical sports fan and enjoyed the Philadelphia Flyers, the Los Angeles Rams and the Philadelphia Phillies. He often visited his favorite teams during their seasons.

He was preceded in death by his daughter, Erica Dawn Neyhard, last year.

Surviving are his wife, the former Cathy Turner Neyhard, Nanticoke; son, Richard W. Neyhard and his fiancée, Crystal Davis, Hanover Twp.; stepson, Martin Moore, Shavertown; stepdaughter, Michelle Taite and her husband, David, Pittsburgh; brothers, Robert Neyhard and his wife, Sandy, Forty Fort; and John (Jack) Neyhard and his wife, Linda, Mechanicsburg; several nieces and nephews; and grandchildren, Nathan Taite, Serenity Swisher and Destinee Neyhard.

The funeral will be held at 11 a.m. Friday in St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, Alden Station. Friends may call at the church from 10 a.m. until the time of service. The Rev. Charles Warwick, rector, will officiate. Interment will be at the convenience of the family.

Arrangements are…

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Jeannette M. Scacco

Jeannette M. Scacco OBITUARY

Jeannette M. Scacco, 81, of Nanticoke passed away Tuesday morning, July 18, 2017, at Birchwood Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, Nanticoke, where she was a patient for two weeks. She had been ill for the past year.

Born December 18, 1935, in Blawnox, Allegheny County, she was a daughter of the late Louis S. and Rita O’Donnell Ward. She was a graduate of Har-Brack High School, Natrona Heights. She resided in Nanticoke since the mid-1970s and previously Pittsburgh for a short time and the State College area for many years.

She and her late husband, Vincent Scacco, owned and operated Kelly’s Kard Korner on Main Street in Nanticoke prior to retiring.

Jeannette was an avid reader. She will especially be remembered as an adoring and proud grandmother to her four grandchildren.

Her husband, Vince, passed away on December 5, 1986.

Surviving are children, Kelly Dinsmore and husband, George, State College; Thomas Nardozzo and wife, Betty Jo, Hayward, CA; Daniel Nardozzo and wife, Cathy, State College; and Marty Nardozzo, State College; grandchildren, Paige Nardozzo and fiancé, Chris Gingrich, Lindsey Dinsmore and husband, Dan Hopper, and Andrew and Chris Dinsmore; brothers, Louis S. Ward III, Benton; Gary Ward, New Zealand; and Leslie James Ward, Sewickley, PA; a sister, Nancy Lee Battiste, Penn Hills, PA; several nieces and nephews; as well as the Firman family of Kingston for whom she was a nanny.

A Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated Tuesday, July 25, at 11 a.m. in Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church, 806 11th Street, Altoona, with the Rev. Carl Vacek as celebrant.

Interment will follow in Calvary Cemetery, Altoona.

Viewing and visitation will be Tuesday from 10 a.m. until the time of Mass at the church.

Arrangements are in the care of Davis-Dinelli Funeral Home, 170…

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HS FOOTBALL: Hanover Area holds on to defeat Nanticoke Area


  • Hanover Area quarterback Logan Richardson, left, rolls out to pass...

    Hanover Area quarterback Logan Richardson, left, rolls out to pass under pressure from Nanticoke Area’s Reagan Jackson in the annual Sans Souci Struggle game in Nanticoke on Friday, Oct. 25, 2024. BILL TARUTIS / CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHER

  • Hanover Area’s Malique Campbell, left, runs for a first down...

    Hanover Area’s Malique Campbell, left, runs for a first down against Nanticoke Area in the annual Sans Souci Struggle game in Nanticoke on Friday, Oct. 25, 2024. BILL TARUTIS / CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHER

  • Nanticoke Area’s Tyler Skordensky (6) runs the ball against Hanover...

    Nanticoke Area’s Tyler Skordensky (6) runs the ball against Hanover Area in the annual Sans Souci Struggle game in Nanticoke on Friday, Oct. 25, 2024. BILL TARUTIS / CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHER

  • Hanover Area’s Chance Hall (19) kicks a 31-yard field goal...

    Hanover Area’s Chance Hall (19) kicks a 31-yard field goal from holder Deacon Eisenback against Nanticoke Area in the annual Sans Souci Struggle game in Nanticoke on Friday, Oct. 25, 2024. BILL TARUTIS / CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHER

  • Nanticoke Area quarterback Michael Stachowiak looks to pass against Hanover...

    Nanticoke Area quarterback Michael Stachowiak looks to pass against Hanover Area in the annual Sans Souci Struggle game in Nanticoke on Friday, Oct. 25, 2024. BILL TARUTIS / CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHER

  • Nanticoke Area’s James Bush (8) runs back a 50-yard kickoff...

    Nanticoke Area’s James Bush (8) runs back a 50-yard kickoff return against Hanover Area in the annual Sans Souci Struggle game in Nanticoke on Friday, Oct. 25, 2024. BILL TARUTIS / CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHER

  • Hanover Area’s Dewayne Downey, second from right, scores a touchdown...

    Hanover Area’s Dewayne Downey, second from right,…

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Michael J. Krasulski

Michael J. Krasulski OBITUARY

Michael J. Krasulski Sr., 60, of West Kirmar Avenue, Alden Station section of Newport Twp., died Thursday at Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Plains Twp. He was seriously ill since May. He is survived by his wife of 37 years, the former Eva Bostock, whom he married on Sept. 1, 1973.

Born on Oct. 14, 1949, in Nanticoke, he was a son of Dolores Wintergrass Krasulski, Alden Station, and the late John Krasulski. He was a member of the last class of the former Newport Twp. High School, graduating in 1967. After high school he enlisted in the Marine Corps where he served for four years and two tours of duty in Vietnam.

Mr. Krasulski also graduated with honors from Johnson Technical Institute. Earlier in life he was employed at Air Products, Hanover Twp., and since 1984, he was employed at Tobyhanna Army Depot as a mechanic.

He was a member of Nebo Baptist Church, Nanticoke, American Legion Post 971, Wanamie, and American Legion Post 350, Nanticoke, and had been a member of the former Alden Social Club. He was an avid outdoorsman and especially enjoyed hunting, fishing and shooting.

Also surviving are three sons, Michael J. Krasulski Jr., Philadelphia; Matthew Krasulski and wife, Tracie, Old Forge; and Jeffrey Krasulski and wife, Raycharlyn, Dingmans Ferry; a granddaughter, Kendall Krasulski; two sisters, Patricia Fitzpatrick and husband, Kevin, Westfield, N.J.; and Gloria Dickins and husband, John, Plant City, Fla.; and nieces and nephews.

Funeral services will be held Monday at 9 a.m. from Davis-Dinelli Funeral Home, 170 East Broad St., Nanticoke, with the Rev. Timothy G. Hall, pastor, officiating. Interment with military honors will be in Indiantown Gap National Cemetery, Annville. Visitation will be Sunday from 4 to 7 p.m. at the funeral home. In…

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H.S. Football: Hanover Area hangs on to defeat rival Nanticoke Area

Oct. 26—NANTICOKE — The rivalry game between Hanover Area and Nanticoke Area is known as the San Souci Struggle.

Both teams had their struggles Friday night — Hanover Area with penalties and Nanticoke Area with turnovers.

Hanover Area, though, was able to overcome its issues for a 16-14 victory in the Wyoming Valley Conference Division 2 game.

Hanover Area (1-4 Div. 2, 2-8 overall) came into Friday night with a remote chance of catching Tunkhannock for the final District 2 Class 3A playoff spot. Tunkhannock lost, but the Hawkeyes’ chances of doing so did not look promising based on the district standings late Friday night.

The victory ended an eight-game losing streak to Nanticoke Area. The Hawkeyes last won the game in 2015.

“Getting that trophy, it’s I think the first time in 10 years,” Hanover Area coach Jason Majiros said.

Nanticoke Area (1-4 Div. 2, 1-9) ended a season which started with first-year coach Scott Dennis dying three days before the opener. Former coach Ron Bruza oversaw the program the rest of the season. He has no intention of returning for 2025, and the school district has been advertising for the head coaching position.

“It’s a lot of ups and downs,” said Bruza, who resigned after 14 years following the 2023 season. “I love this program, I love this community. I appreciated the members of the school board who supported me in coming back. I’m very appreciative of my wife and my family to make some sacrifices to get me to come back.

“It’s been a roller coaster ride right from the beginning in losing your dear friend in coach Dennis. We just really didn’t get a lot done in the win column, but the guys have a lot of character and they’re first-class kids.”

The Hawkeyes were able to prevail despite 16 penalties for 125 yards, an…

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D2 GIRLS SOCCER: Defense carries Lehman to next round

  • Lake-Lehman’s Mia Stillarty (32) keeps the ball away from Nanticoke...

    Lake-Lehman’s Mia Stillarty (32) keeps the ball away from Nanticoke Area’s Natalee Atkins on Saturday in the District 2 Class 2A girls soccer quarterfinals. (Frank C. Lauri / contributing photographer)

  • Lake-Lehman’s Kiera Lucarino (5) controls the ball in front of...

    Lake-Lehman’s Kiera Lucarino (5) controls the ball in front of Nanticoke Area’s Natalee Atkins (4) on Saturday in the District 2 Class 2A girls soccer quarterfinals. (Frank C. Lauri / contributing photographer)

  • Lake-Lehman’s Kinley Purdy (8) controls the ball in front of...

    Lake-Lehman’s Kinley Purdy (8) controls the ball in front of Nanticoke Area’s Amanda Atkins (16) on Saturday in the District 2 Class 2A girls soccer quarterfinals. (Frank C. Lauri / contributing photographer)

  • Lake-Lehman’s Ava Jones heads the ball against Nanticoke Area on...

    Lake-Lehman’s Ava Jones heads the ball against Nanticoke Area on Saturday in the District 2 Class 2A girls soccer quarterfinals. (Frank C. Lauri / contributing photographer)

  • Lake-Lehman’s Lexi Peiffer (1) moves the ball to the net...

    Lake-Lehman’s Lexi Peiffer (1) moves the ball to the net against Nanticoke Area on Saturday in the District 2 Class 2A girls soccer quarterfinals. (Frank C. Lauri / contributing photographer)

  • Nanticoke Area’s Matilda Serrano (23) keeps the ball away from...

    Nanticoke Area’s Matilda Serrano (23) keeps the ball away from Lake-Lehman’s Brynleigh Bennett (13) on Saturday in the District 2 Class 2A girls soccer quarterfinals. (Frank C. Lauri / contributing photographer)

  • Nanticoke Area’s Elizabeth Larson (31) takes a shot and scores...

    Nanticoke Area’s Elizabeth Larson (31) takes a shot and scores in the first half Saturday in the District 2 Class 2A girls soccer…

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Locations Picked for Three Large-Scale New Oyster Restoration Reefs in MD

“Now what?” is a question Maryland oyster restoration experts may have been asking themselves in the wake of successfully bringing back oyster populations in five major tributaries.

The five locations were targeted a decade ago, after 2014’s Chesapeake Bay Program’s Chesapeake Bay Watershed Agreement outlined a goal to “restore habitat and populations in 10 tributaries by 2025.” Now, four of the five are officially complete and the fifth, the Manokin River, is on target for completion right on time in 2025.

So, what should DNR and restoration advocates like the Oyster Recovery Partnership do now? Is the job finished?

No, there are new goals on the horizon. This month, the Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR) announced it has selected three new sites for large-scale oyster restoration in state waters of the Chesapeake Bay. It’s the next phase of helping the historically depleted population slowly build up.

DNR presented their selected sites, Herring Bay (southern Maryland), the Nanticoke River (Delmarva), and Hooper Strait (lower Eastern Shore), to the Oyster Advisory Commission. The diverse group of sites includes three different levels of salinity. The department will plant oysters on protected sanctuaries in all three waterways and monitor them regularly.

“These three large-scale restoration sanctuaries represent a new chapter for oyster restoration in Maryland,” Department of Natural Resources Secretary Josh Kurtz said. “We’ve had tremendous success with our existing restoration sanctuaries, and we’re excited to build on that achievement and keep up the momentum for oyster recovery in the Chesapeake Bay.”

Eastern oysters are still at a fraction of their one-time population levels because of overharvesting many years ago, disease, habitat loss and worsening water quality . They’re needed not just as a link in the food chain, but also as natural water filters and habitat providers for other species, thanks…

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