
Tree planting held for Phylicia Thomas, still missing after 17 years

[]Tree planting held for Phylicia Thomas, still missing after 17 years | WOLFPlease ensure Javascript is enabled for purposes ofwebsite accessibility” } ], “datePublished”: “2021-09-16T18:18:14+00:00”, “dateModified”: “2021-09-17T10:34:02.000-04:00”, “author”: { “@type”: “Person”, “name”: “Melanie Zayas” }, “publisher”: { “@type”: “Organization”, “name”: “WOLF”, “logo”: { “@type”: “ImageObject”, “url”: “” } }, “description”: “Earlier this evening, a tree planting was held for Phylicia Thomas, a presumed murder victim who lived in Nanticoke, that went missing almost two decades ago. Her family and members of the community planted it right across from their home. She was 22 at the time of her disappearance that happened in February 2004. 17 years later, the family of Thomas still wants to shed light on the cold case that is still unsolved. Her body was never found and no arrests have been made in the case.” } ]]>

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Shamokin looks to get back on track against Nanticoke

Shamokin Area will attempt to bounce back from a poor performance last week against Selinsgrove tonight against a winless Greater Nanticoke in a road game that has now taken on big proportion for the 1-2 Indians.

Shamokin cannot afford a third straight loss, especially against a team which has struggled itself in recent years, with much hope of having the kind of season the Indians have envisioned.

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Greater Nanticoke Area names football field after coach Frank Chicknosky

Sep. 10—NANTICOKE — With the new scoreboard poised to be dedicated Sept. 17, the man whose name was on the old board in the days of Lincoln Field, before district mergers, was given the honor of having the football field to be christened “The Frank J. Chicknosky Field.”

With three members absent the Greater Nanticoke Area School Board voted 6-0 to make the name change official. Vice President Ken James, who ran the meeting in the absence of Board President Tony Prushinski, said after the meeting that Chicknosky was a winning coach in the 1930s and ’40s before school district consolidation, and that his name was on the scoreboard of the old Lincoln Field, later moved to the new stadium.

With The Distastio family raising the money to buy a new scoreboard, the board will be dedicated with Coach Dan Distasio’s name. But the district wanted to keep Chicknosky’s memory alive, James said, so the field is being named in his honor. He also noted the board has been working to keep the history of the various districts pre-consolidation in the public eye through various efforts.

During the voting session of the short meeting, the board:

—Accepted the resignation of football strength coach Neal McMahon, and appointed John Pietrzyk Jr. as football strength and conditioning coach.

—Accepted the resignations of five special education aides — Deborah Degosky, Mary Statkiewicz, Anita Bukowski, Chris Salus, and Tara Hughes — and approved advertising for special education aide positions.

—Approved athletic appointments of Eric Spencer as head high school baseball coach, Beth Maney as head cheerleading coach, Anthony Chiarucci as football assistant 2, Carmelo Pioquinto as junior high soccer coach, Joseph Shimko as football assistant 3A, Ron Bruza Sr. as football assistant 4A, Sterling Kepp as football assistant 3B and Ken Kasprzyk as football assistant 4B. The four last football…

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LCCC holds 9/11 remembrance ceremony for 20th anniversary

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H.S. Football: Wyoming Area strikes quickly, rolls past Nanticoke Area

WEST PITTSTON — The good vibrations on the Nanticoke Area sideline lasted all of one play.

The Trojans’ Jaylin Collins returned the opening kick half the length of the field into Wyoming Area territory. From that point, the glimmer of hope turned into an onslaught of despair.

Wyoming Area pounded Nanticoke Area for a 47-13 victory on Friday night. The Warriors remain undefeated through three games on the season.

“We did a great job, spreading the ball around and getting all of our playmakers involved,” Wyoming Area coach Randy Spencer said. “Our skill guys, led by Rocco Pizano, were making big plays in the passing game. It was important for us to build our confidence.”

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The Warriors forced a fumble on the first Nanticoke Area offensive play. On the Wyoming Area’s second play, Pizano caught a 42-yard catch down the field into the red zone. Quarterback Blaise Sokach-Minnick avoided a fleet of Nanticoke Area defenders and flicked a pass in traffic to Aaron Crossley for a 4-yard touchdown.

Sokach-Minnick’s quick thinking and accurate passing kept the Nanticoke Area secondary on its heels. In just one half’s worth of work, the Wyoming Area senior quarterback completed 11 of 14 passes for 208 yards and four touchdowns.

“He was throwing amazing,” Crossley said. “He should have had five honestly! I kind of messed up the last play. But he still got it done.”

All four of his touchdowns were thrown to different Wyoming Area receivers. Pizano found the end zone on a 22-yard pass on the team’s second drive. Usamah Alansari had one of his two touchdowns on the night via a 17-yard connection in the second quarter. Sokach-Minnick closed out his lucrative first half by finding John Morgan in the…

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H.S. Football: Wyoming Area strikes quickly, rolls past Nanticoke Area

WEST PITTSTON — The good vibrations on the Nanticoke Area sideline lasted all of one play.

The Trojans’ Jaylin Collins returned the opening kick half the length of the field into Wyoming Area territory. From that point, the glimmer of hope turned into an onslaught of despair.

Wyoming Area pounded Nanticoke Area for a 47-13 victory on Friday night. The Warriors remain undefeated through three games on the season.

“We did a great job, spreading the ball around and getting all of our playmakers involved,” Wyoming Area coach Randy Spencer said. “Our skill guys, led by Rocco Pizano, were making big plays in the passing game. It was important for us to build our confidence.”

The Warriors forced a fumble on the first Nanticoke Area offensive play. On the Wyoming Area’s second play, Pizano caught a 42-yard catch down the field into the red zone. Quarterback Blaise Sokach-Minnick avoided a fleet of Nanticoke Area defenders and flicked a pass in traffic to Aaron Crossley for a 4-yard touchdown.

Sokach-Minnick’s quick thinking and accurate passing kept the Nanticoke Area secondary on its heels. In just one half’s worth of work, the Wyoming Area senior quarterback completed 11 of 14 passes for 208 yards and four touchdowns.

“He was throwing amazing,” Crossley said. “He should have had five honestly! I kind of messed up the last play. But he still got it done.”

All four of his touchdowns were thrown to different Wyoming Area receivers. Pizano found the end zone on a 22-yard pass on the team’s second drive. Usamah Alansari had one of his two touchdowns on the night via a 17-yard connection in the second quarter. Sokach-Minnick closed out his lucrative first half by finding John Morgan in the corner of the…

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Walk of Honor at LCCC honors lives lost on 9/11

NANTICOKE — The wind flapping the flags above, behind and around state Sen. John Yudichak stirred a childhood memory.

The flags flew high at the start of the ceremony Friday to mark the 20th anniversary of Sept. 11, 2001 at the Walk of Honor Memorial on the campus of Luzerne County Community College. Even when the Nanticoke Fire Department lowered one to half staff to honor those killed in the terrorist attacks two decades ago, it fluttered in the wind.

“I can remember as a boy, my mother telling me when we had a warm gusty wind, just like we knew on this September day, that wind was produced by the wings of angels,” Yudichak told the hundred or so firefighters, students, guests and school personnel gathered for the event. “I’d like to think that on today, that the wings of the angels of nearly 3,000 Americans are pushing that wind to remind us never forget.”

For nearly all of the past 10 years, with last year the exception because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the school has kept the lives of those lost alive in memory, honoring the wish of the mother whose son was among the 343 New York City firefighters who responded to the World Trade Center and perished when the twin towers collapsed.

Yudichak recalled how he and LCCC President Thomas Leary met the late Phyllis Carlo of Wanamie and worked with her to create the Walk of Honor at the school’s Public Safety Training Institute as a legacy to her son, firefighter Michael Scott Carlo, and first responders.

“Phyllis Carlo, God Bless you for teaching us that although tragedy may cast a long shadow, hope will always draw us to brighter days and hope will always cast a…

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Untitled | The Sunday Dispatch

The Wyoming Area girls tennis team is building momentum.

The Lady Warriors used a pair of three-set decisions Friday to defeat host Hazleton Area, 4-1, for their second straight victory and third in their last four Wyoming Valley Conference matches.

Wyoming Area, which lost its first two, used the win to reach the .500 mark for the first time this season at 3-3.

The Lady Warriors won all but first singles, with second singles player Jocelyn Williams rolling to a 6-2, 6-0 victory.

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Ava Vacula, at third singles, and Jillian Graham-Erica Gilligan, at second doubles, each recovered from losing the second set to win tight third sets.

Morgan Slusser-Milanna Bocchiaro won in straight sets at first doubles.

Pittston Area 4, MMI Prep 1

Bethany Yashkus won 6-0, 6-0 at third singles Friday as Pittston Area also reached 3-3 in the WVC.

Quinn Carden won 6-2, 6-0 at second singles while Katie Koss-Laura Farber won 6-0, 6-2 at first doubles. Pittston Area added a forfeit at second doubles.

Wyoming Area 4, Wilkes-Barre Area 1

Wyoming Area’s doubles teams did not lose a game during Wednesday’s victory.

Morgan Slusser-Ella Rau and Jillian Graham-Milanna Bocchiaro each won, 6-0, 6-0.

Jocelyn Williams won, 6-1, 6-0, at second singles.

Wyoming Area’s other point came by forfeit at third singles.

Dallas 5, Pittston Area 0

Second-place Dallas won every match in straight sets, not allowing more than two games in any set while winning Wednesday’s WVC match.

Pittston Area 5, Wilkes-Barre Area 0

Laura Farber and Ayla Krieger won, 6-0, 6-0, at second doubles during Tuesday’s WVC victory.

Second singles player Quinn Carden and first doubles team Katie Koss-Jacy VanOsdel won in straight sets.

Megan Kapacs battled through a 5-7, 7-6 (7-3), 6-0 victory at…

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Sara ‘Sal’ Zeske

Sara Joyce “Sal” Zeske passed unexpectedly into eternal life late Wednesday night, Sept. 1, 2021, in Geisinger Wyoming Valley Medical Center, Plains Twp. with her loving daughter, Shawndra McCracken by her side.

Born Tuesday, Nov. 14, 1950, in McKeesport, Sara was one of five children to the late Stuart W. and Elda Weidow. Sara was educated in the city schools.

Until her retirement, Sara was employed for 33 years under the Pennsylvania state hospital system where she worked in housekeeping and dietary. She worked at Nanticoke State Hospital and later at Clarks Summit State Hospital. She garnered a number of good friends.

Sara “Sal” was a member of the Plains Twp. senior center. She also enjoyed her gardening which she took great pride in. Additionally, she loved traveling to Disney with her late husband, Joseph R. Zeske, and family. Sara was an advent traveler. She loved going cross country.

Sal loved cooking and baking for her family, the chef she was, especially her famous poorman pierogies, which were the hit of holiday dinners along with her many other great dishes. She showed her creativity when sewing, hemming and crafting. She had such great talent in everything she did for her family and friends. She was the most loving, most caring mom and person one will ever meet. She loved her family so much and would go beyond the ends of the earth. Those who knew her best, knew her love and caring personality. She shared that passion and love with all her heart. Sal will be greatly missed by all those who knew and loved her in this life.

She was preceded in death by her parents, Stuart Weidow and Elda “Croop” Weidow, in addition to her Husband, Joseph R. Zeske.

Sara is survived by her daughters, Shawndra McCracken and fiancé, Brian Fegal, Kingston; Denise Miller,…

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Richard John Duszewski

Richard John Duszewski passed away on Friday, Sept. 3, 2021 at Kingston Rehab and Nursing Center. Richard was raised in the Honey Pot section of Nanticoke. He lived in Newport Twp. until he moved to Mountain Top in 2018 to reside with his daughter Colleen.

Born in 1927, he was the son of the late Koztek and Lottie (Grodzicki) Duszewski. During World War II, at the age 17, he enlisted in the U.S. Navy, joining his five brothers already serving in the military. He served as a gunner aboard the USS Eldorado and participated in the battles of Iwo Jima and Okinawa.

When he returned home from the Navy, he began his career in the mining industry. Employed by (Biscontini) Glen Nan Coal Co., he started as a mine laborer and progressed to miner, bratticeman, fireboss and his final post as mine foreman. Richard was very proud of the fact that no miner’s life was lost under his 20+ years watch as mine foreman. He then accepted a position with the U.S. Department of Labor, Mine Safety and Health Administration as an underground mine inspector. He was later appointed to the position of U.S. special criminal investigator and held that position until his retirement in 1993. He was a member of St. Faustina’s Church, Nanticoke.

He was preceded in death by his wife of 54 years, Marion Powell in 2001; sisters, Alfreda Holton and Jeannie Warke; and brothers, Edward Dushefski, John, Stanley, Chester and Cashmire Grodzicki. Richard was the last of his generation. He was also preceded in death by his son-in-law, Leo Kaskel Jr.

Surviving are his daughters, Colleen Kaskel, Mountain Top; and Patricia Partash and her husband, Thomas “Tim,” Woodland; grandchildren, Lee Ann Kaskel, Mountain Top; Christine Henke and her husband, Jason, Kingsley; Kimberlee Mushinsky and her husband, Bernard “BJ,” Wilkes-Barre Twp.;…

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