
UN mission in Iraq condemns attack in Duhok which left 8 dead

The deadly attack in the Zakho district, took place close to the border with Türkiye.

According to news reports, Iraqi State media claimed that Turkish forces had been responsible for the shelling – a claim refuted by the Turkish Government.

Among the dead was a one-year-old, according to a statement released by the Kurdish health minister, who said the victims had all died before they could reach a hospital.

The UN Children’s Fund UNICEF, reported that a 12 year-old and 16 year-old were also killed. In a statement issued late on Wednesday, UNICEF Representative in Iraq, Sheema SenGupta, said the attack was “devastating proof of the need to stop the use of explosive weapons in populated areas.”

UNAMI expressed its deepest condolences to the families of the victims and wished the injured a speedy recovery.

Civilians suffer again

“Civilians are once again suffering the indiscriminate effects of explosive weapons. Under international law, attacks must not be directed at the civilian population”, said the UNAMI statement.

“UNAMI therefore calls for a thorough investigation to determine the circumstances surrounding the attack and emphasizes that the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Iraq must be respected at all times.”

Turkish forces are engaged in military activity in the area, as part of Government counter-terrorism operations against outlawed Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) militants, and the Syrian Kurdish YPG militia, both of which are seen by Ankara as terrorist groups. The PKK began military action against Türkiye in the mid-1980s.

UNICEF’s Ms. SenGupta added that all children in Iraq, deserve to live their lives without the constant threat of violence, exacerbated by the use of explosive weapons. UNICEF calls on all parties to fulfill their obligations, under international law, to protect children at all times, and without delay.”

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CULT Food Science’s Umami Meats Reports Research and Development and Low-Cost Production Advancements to Address Seafood Insecurity

Unami Deploys Funding to Advance Cultivated Seafood by Developing Growth Serum and Establishing Spent Media Analysis, 3D Structuring for Prototyping, and Fish Fat Development Collaborations

VANCOUVER, BC, June 16, 2022 /CNW/ – CULT Food Science Corp. (“CULT” or the “Company”) (CSE: CULT) (OTC: CULTF) (FRA: LN0), an innovative investment platform with an exclusive focus on cellular agriculture that is advancing the development of novel technologies to provide a sustainable, environmental and ethical solution to the global factory farming and aquaculture crises, is pleased to announce that its portfolio company, Umami Meats (“Umami“), has recently made significant progress in research and development, recognition and human resources. Based in a Singapore, Umami is a food-tech start-up developing sustainable seafood that is cultivated and not caught.

CULT Food Science Corp. (CSE: CULT, OTC: CULTF, FRA: LN0) (CNW Group/CULT Food Science Corp.)CULT Food Science Corp. (CSE: CULT, OTC: CULTF, FRA: LN0) (CNW Group/CULT Food Science Corp.)

CULT Food Science Corp. (CSE: CULT, OTC: CULTF, FRA: LN0) (CNW Group/CULT Food Science Corp.)

It has become crucial that companies like CULT and Umami strive to integrate sustainably sourced fish and seafood into the global food security conversation. Historically, the seafood industry has significantly impacted the environment with an estimate that 85% of marine fish stocks are either fully exploited or overfished.1 Also, many fisheries throughout the world throw away more fish than they keep, which is counterproductive to food security.1 To meet overall nutrition requirements and growing food demands, it is predicted that food production must increase by 70% by 2050.2 Therefore, cultivated seafood from Umami, as well as meat products, have the potential to provide protein without further exhausting the world’s natural resources, based on having a higher feed conversion ratio and similar nutritional value to traditional meat.2

Umami’s recent achievements include but are not limited…

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Supported by USAID and UNDP, Sinjar Court House reopens

Baghdad ( – The United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) announced on Tuesday that Sinjar Court House has been reopened with support from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

A press statement issued by UNDP’s spokesperson, Mrinalini Santhanam, explained that the Court House, which provides important legal services, was left severely damaged during ISIS occupation, but with generous funding from USAID, UNDP rehabilitated this important facility that serves over 25 thousand people across Sinjar District.

“The project was implemented through UNDP’s flagship programme, the Funding Facility for Stabilization (FFS). Since 2015, USAID has contributed around 400 million USD to FFS, including over 10 million USD in Sinjar, making it the FFS programme’s leading partner,” according to UNDP press statement.

“To date, USAID has supported around 900 FFS rehabilitation projects, including critical water and electrical infrastructure, as well as schools, housing, and health facilities,” the UNDP statement mentioned.

“The reopening of this facility is an important milestone in the journey to rebuild Sinjar and for the rule of law to prevail in the area,” UNDP Resident Representative in Iraq, Zena Ali Ahmad, mentioned in the press statement.

“Rehabilitating critical infrastructure and restoring essential services such as the Sinjar Court House is key to creating a safe and dignified environment for families choosing to return to Sinjar. Especially, through USAID’s support, UNDP has been able to prioritize support to the Yazidi survivors of genocide as they return and rebuild their lives after years of conflict and trauma,” Ahmad added.

“Restoring access to the judicial system is a critical component of the recovery process. The reopening of the Sinjar Court House is therefore a beacon of hope for the entire Yazidi community. USAID is proud of our work to rehabilitate this essential…

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UN praises Iraq’s efforts to support refugees in Al-Hol camp in Syria

Baghdad ( – A high-level United Nations delegation, accompanied by the Chief of Iraq’s National Security Service, visited Al-Hol camp in north-eastern Syria, where they witnessed the horrible conditions of the miserable and sprawling complex of tents in the burning sun, which is the home of thousands of people for many years, according to a press statement issued by the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI).

“Many people, particularly children, never asked to be part of this desperate situation with no end in sight. However, 50 percent of Al-Hol’s total population (currently about 56,000 individuals) is under the age of 12. They find themselves deprived of their rights, vulnerable and marginalized,” the Spokesperson of UNAMI, Samir Ghattas, explained in a press statement.

“A camp like Al-Hol fuels resentment and inspires terrorists, from breakout operations to large-scale attacks. If left unaddressed, the situation will inevitably impact the region and far beyond,” Ghattas elaborated.

“Keeping people in restricted and poor conditions ultimately creates greater protection and security risks than taking them back in a controlled manner,” the Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Iraq, Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, said.

“Iraq is demonstrating that responsible repatriations are possible, by finding dignified solutions anchored in the principles of both accountability and reintegration. The best and only durable solution is to control the situation, managing returns swiftly and decisively, in the spirit of partnership,” Hennis-Plasschaert added.

“Al-Hol is no place for children. The steps taken by the Government of Iraq are extremely important in the path to solutions. Action by other Member States with citizens in the camp is urgently needed.” the UN Resident Coordinator and Humanitarian Coordinator for Syria, Imran Riza, mentioned in the UNAMI press statement.

“With the latest transfer on 1 June, over 2,500 Iraqis have been repatriated. But as thousands…

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Visit to Al-Hol camp in northeastern Syria [EN/AR/KU]


On Sunday 5 June, a high-level UN delegation, accompanied by the Chief of Iraq’s National Security Service, visited Al-Hol camp in northeastern Syria: a desolate, sprawling complex of tents in the scorching sun, and the forced home of tens of thousands of people for many years now. The delegation witnessed first-hand the dire conditions on the ground. This was just a glimpse of the immense challenges Al-Hol residents endure on a daily basis – despite the best efforts of humanitarian actors.

Many people, in particular children, never asked to be part of this desperate situation with no end in sight. However, 50 percent of Al-Hol’s total population (currently about 56,000 individuals) is under the age of 12. They find themselves deprived of their rights, vulnerable and marginalized. The already extremely precarious humanitarian and security conditions have deteriorated further in past months, making the risks associated with this slow-moving catastrophe ever clearer: a camp like Al-Hol fuels resentment and inspires terrorists, from breakout operations to large-scale attacks. If left unaddressed, the situation will inevitably impact the region and far beyond.

The Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Iraq, Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert: “Keeping people in restricted and poor conditions ultimately creates greater protection and security risks than taking them back in a controlled manner. Iraq is demonstrating that responsible repatriations are possible, by finding dignified solutions anchored in the principles of both accountability and reintegration. The best and only durable solution is to control the situation, managing returns swiftly and decisively, in the spirit of partnership, to prevent the legacy of yesterday’s fight from fueling tomorrow’s conflict.”

The UN Resident Coordinator and Humanitarian Coordinator for Syria, Imran Riza: “Al-Hol is no place for children. The steps taken by the Government of Iraq are extremely important in the path to solutions….

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UN: Impunity creates intimidation environment in Iraq

Baghdad ( – A report issued by the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) on Thursday mentioned that the continued impunity in Iraq in relation to attacks targeting protesters and activists creates an environment of fear and intimidation that restricts the freedom of expression.

The report published by UNAMI and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) indicated that compensations have been paid to families of most victims killed during protests took place in Iraq in 2019.

The report documented 26 incidents took place between May 1, 2021 and April 30, 2022 where unidentified militants attacked protesters with the purpose of suppressing opposition. The report is based on 27 individual interviews and meetings with judiciary officials in Baghdad and southern governorates.

The incidents include killing of one female, three killing attempts of a person, five violent assaults, a house raid, 14 improvised explosive device attacks, one kidnapping attack, one property destruction incident and many non-violent threats.

In particular, the report indicated that unidentified gunmen shot a prominent activist in Karbala and a protest coordinator in May 2021.

In October 2019, Iraq witnessed an unprecedented wave of protests spread in the capital and in southern parts of the country where protesters demanded change of the regime. But the movement was faced by a bloody repression that killed more than 600 people, and injured at least 30 thousands.

Although protests no longer occur as much as before, but many activists continued to demand those responsible for the suppression of protests and the killing of activists should be held accountable.

The government headed by Mustafa al-Kadhimi, which took office in May 2020, pledged to prosecute those involved in the killing of protesters and activists.

According to the report, the Iraqi authorities have taken limited steps to investigate…

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Update on Accountability in Iraq: limited progress toward justice for human rights violations and abuses by ‘Unidentified Armed Elements’ [EN/AR]



Pursuant to its mandate under Security Council Resolution 2631 (2022) to ‘promote accountability and the protection of human rights’, the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) continues to closely monitor the response of the Government to patterns of violence, attributable to the state and ‘unidentified armed elements’, against protestors as well as against activists expressing dissent towards political parties and armed elements.

This report, Update on Accountability in Iraq: limited progress toward justice for human rights violations and abuses by ‘Unidentified Armed Elements’, was prepared by the Human Rights Office of UNAMI and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) in line with the international human rights framework applicable to Iraq as well as relevant national law. It is the seventh publication issued on this subject since October 2019 and covers the period of 1 May 2021 to 15 May 2022. During this period, in October 2021, Iraq held early parliamentary elections. These elections emerged from an unprecedented wave of country-wide demonstrations in 2019, marked by violence, excessive use of force, abductions, and targeted killings, with hundreds of deaths and thousands of injuries. As of May 2022, a new Government has yet to be formed.

This update highlights that some progress has been made, particularly on compensation for victims, but results regarding accountability remain limited. From 1 May 2021 to 30 April 2022, UNAMI/OHCHR documented convictions in relation to four cases concerning violence perpetrated by armed elements. The Fact-Finding Committee established by the Government is operational but has not produced any investigative outcomes or provided public information about its work. Many of those individuals seeking accountability have been subjected to threats, including violence. The Government of Iraq admittedly operates in a complex environment, including within the context of stalled government formation. However,…

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Security Council Authorizes One-Year Mandate Extension of United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq, Unanimously Adopting Resolution 2631 (2022)


The Security Council extended the mandate of the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) today for another year, until 31 May 2023, retaining its core tasks.

Unanimously adopting resolution 2631 (2022) (to be issued as document S/RES/2631(2022)) the Council requested that the Secretary–General’s Special Representative for Iraq and UNAMI prioritize the provision of advice, support, and assistance to the Government and people of Iraq on advancing inclusive, political dialogue and national and community-level reconciliation, considering civil society input, with the full, equal and meaningful participation of women.

The 15-member organ also requested the Special Representative and UNAMI to further advise, support and assist the Government of Iraq in facilitating regional dialogue and cooperation, including on issues of border security, energy, trade, environment, water and the adverse impacts of climate change, particularly those contributing to desertification and drought, resilience building, infrastructure, public health and refugees.

The Council also requested the Special Representative and UNAMI to approach gender mainstreaming as a cross-cutting issue throughout its mandate and advise and assist the Government of Iraq in ensuring the full, equal and meaningful participation, involvement and representation of women at all levels of decision-making, including in the context of elections and government formation, and the promotion of women’s economic empowerment.

They were also requested to promote, support, and facilitate the coordination and delivery of humanitarian and medical assistance, notably to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, and the transition of humanitarian services to government systems.

Further, the Special Representative and UNAMI were tasked with actively supporting the Government of Iraq and the Kurdistan Regional Government to work together and engage in regular and structured dialogue to resolve outstanding issues, including security provisions, budgetary arrangements and the management of Iraq’s oil and gas resources, and to implement existing agreements, including the 2020…

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UN Security Council renews mandate of assistance mission for Iraq

The UN Security Council has adopted a resolution to renew the mandate of the UN Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) for a year, till May 31, 2023.

Resolution 2631, which won the unanimous support of the 15 members of the council, requests the UN secretary-general’s special representative and UNAMI, at the request of the Iraqi government, to prioritise the provision of advice, support, and assistance on advancing inclusive, political dialogue and national and community-level reconciliation, Xinhua news agency reported.“);]]>

The resolution recognises that the security of UN personnel is essential for UNAMI to carry out its work and calls on the Iraqi government to continue to provide security and logistical support to the UN presence in Iraq.

The resolution expresses the Security Council’s intention to review the mandate and reporting cycle of UNAMI by May 31, 2023, or sooner, if requested by the Iraqi government.

UNAMI is a political mission established by the Security Council in 2003 at the request of the Iraqi government in the wake of the invasion of Iraq by a US-led coalition.



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Iraq Security and Humanitarian Monitor: May 12 – 19, 2022

  • Sadr Lashes Out At Rivals, Judiciary; UNAMI Says Political Will To End Deadlock Is “Painfully Absent”; Parliament Bypasses Court Ruling On Spending Bill; Salah Ad-Din Governor Sacked — On May 16, Muqtada al-Sadr attacked his rivals in the Coordination Framework (CF) and the Federal Supreme Court after the latter blocked a Sadr-backed IQD25 trillion spending bill. Sadr issued a veiled threat to his rivals, warning of “the anger of the patient and the oppressed.” On May 17, the head of UNAMI told the Security Council that despite repeated talk of dialogue, the political will to reach a solution to the post-election deadlock was “painfully absent.” The problem, according to UANMI, was that “the national interest is…taking a backseat to short-sighted considerations of control over resources.” On May 18, the Iraqi Parliament’s Financial Committee presented a new draft of the “Emergency Support for Food Security and Development” bill to the Speaker of Parliament, and on the following day, the legislature conducted a first reading of the IQD25 trillion bill. An earlier draft with the same title was first presented by PM Kadhimi’s Cabinet in late March, but the Federal Supreme Court ruled on May 15 that a caretaker government lacks the power to present bills. On May 19, Parliament voted to sack the governor of Salah ad-Din province, Ammar Jabr al-Jubouri, who was investigated in April for allegedly soliciting bribes from contractors. In other developments, on May 19, a document circulating on local news sites appeared to show that five lawmakers from the Emtidad movement had decided to withdraw from the party in objection to unilateral decisions made by the party’s secretary general, Ala’ al-Rikabi. more…

  • Iraqi Forces Kill 20 ISIS Militants In New Operations; Militias Ramp Up Attacks On Supply Convoys — Between May 12…

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